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Why Do Black Labs Make Great Pets?

Black Lab

When it comes to dogs, one of the most popular and well known breeds is the Labrador Retriever. Within the Labrador Retriever breed, there are a several kinds, including the Black Lab. We have had a Black Lab for about 3 years now, and he is just the most wonderful pet. They are very well natured, intelligent, and energetic and absolutely love praise and attention. Black Labs are very fond of the water, which is why they have slightly webbed feet.

The Black Lab was originally found in Newfoundland, and was a cross between the St. John’s Water Dog and the Newfoundland Dog. They are fairly large animals, weighing from 40 – 80 pounds and have very smooth coats, short hair, and extremely powerful tails. Their coat is also mostly waterproof, which combined with their strong tail and webbed feet make them excellent swimmers.

Black Labs make very good pets because of their adaptability and their great temperament. They aren’t usually territorial, aggressive, hypersensitive, or destructive, although most of them do enjoy chewing, and will eat almost anything. Because of this, it’s very important to watch them and make sure that they don’t accidentally ingest anything harmful. Black Labs are excellent retrievers, too. They love holding and carrying objects in their mouths, even arms and hands. Because of their nature, though, they are very gentle with those objects.

They interact very well with children, and love to play for hours on end. Many people consider them to be hyperactive, because they have so much energy as a puppy, but this energy usually works its way out by the time they are three years old. By nature, they tend to not be too noisy, however will bark when they hear noises and don’t know what is causing them. Being a very intelligent breed, Black Labs are really easy to train. They have a tremendous appetite, and will do anything for a treat. It’s important to not over-feed your Black Lab, though, as obesity is a common health problem among this breed.

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Black Labs will generally live about 12 to 13 years, and should be able to have a fairly healthy life. The design of their ears will sometimes cause them to have ear infections, because they trap warm moist air. It’s important to check the ears regularly, in order to make sure that nothing is wrong. The ear should look clean and light pink inside. Another issue that Black Labs face is obesity. They have a seemingly endless appetite, and are always looking for something to eat. Because of this, they are often overfed and become overweight. Obesity in a lab increases the risks of hip dysplasia, diabetes, and overall poor health through life. It is also common for older, overweight labs to develop arthritis.

Finally, Black Labs are well known as being a very curious breed. They will often jump up to see over a fence, or even dig to see what is happening on the other side. They don’t care to escape, they just want to explore and will focus intensely on what they are doing. Because of this, it is highly recommended to microchip your Black Lab, since many other people would gladly welcome a stray into the family.
