Karla News

Why Dentures Are a Good Thing

Bad Teeth, Dentures

Have you ever wondered why older people will not wear their dentures? The dentures do not fit. The dentures hurt my mouth. I cannot eat what I want while wearing dentures. Dentures are too much trouble. These are just some of the excuses people give. Wrong! Let me tell you why.

Physical sickness

A person with bad teeth or infected gums (periodontal disease) is walking around with a lot of poison in their bodies. They are actually sick without knowing it and nothing is more miserable than a sore mouth! Once the source of the infection is removed, the body can begin to heal. After a period of time the person will realize how sick they really were.

Hot and cold sensitivity

Does it hurt your teeth when you drink hot of cold liquids? Can you breathe cold air through your mouth without pain? Dentures are not sensitive to hot and cold. Hot pizza will no longer stick to and burn the roof of your mouth!

Eating what you want to eat

An individual with dentures can eat just about anything they want to eat. The trick is to cut your food into equal parts before putting it into your mouth. Then, you can have equal amounts on both sides for balance. True, you must be careful with biting some things. Apples are almost impossible to bite, for instance. Eat slowly as to not bruise the gums. This is very painful and takes a long time to heal. Once having done this, you will be much more careful.

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No dentists!

This is probably the very best part. No dentists to either contend with nor pay money. I paid good money (and lots of it) for a person to practice medieval torture in my mouth for years. No more! Once the dentures were made, I went back as many times as necessary to assure a good fit. Sometimes it takes as many as 4 or 5 visits for adjustments. Many people will not return for the adjustments and either will not wear the dentures or worse yet, settle for “gluing them in”. I have never resorted to denture adhesives. (That stuff is just nasty.) I did whatever necessary to assure a good fit.

A matter of attitude

I wanted dentures! My gums were so bad and had been that way for years, that I knew I was physically ill. Nothing that had been done had made it any better including the “deep cleaning” or surgeries, both of which are extremely painful. My teeth were so loose I could not eat anything without a knife and fork. Sandwiches had gone by the wayside years ago! I was forced to get a letter of recommendation from a specialist stating that I needed my teeth removed, before an Oral Surgeon would do it. (I was still a young woman.) I felt like anything was better than what I had and I was correct.

Learning to pronounce syllables

Learning to talk was not a problem. The dentist was very wise. He told me to “sing the A B C song”. In a matter of 2 days, I could talk and pronounce syllables correctly. How simple it was! This works for anytime the dentures are changed or relined. A slight change in fit makes a major difference in feel and sound.

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Over the years, whenever necessary, I have maintained my dentures. Usually about every 5 to 7 years it is recommended for relining or a complete new set. Bone structure diminishes and facial features do change, that is just how it happens. I still do not use adhesives.

Dentures are one of the best things I have ever done for myself.
