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Why Cats Sneeze


So why do cats sneeze? The most common cause sometimes is an upper respiratory type of infection that your cat may have. If your cat sneezes just once or twice, and that’s it, don’t be concerned. We as humans do that. However, if your cat is sneezing constantly, then they would likely have an upper respiratory infection. This is really not much different than us having a regular cold.

If your cat has a more serious problem, such an underlying bacterial infection laying around in their body, they will have a fever along with the sneezing, and no appetite. If that is what is happening other than your cat sneezing, then it is time to get to the vet for treatment since it can pose a real threat to their survival.

When your cat is sneezing, but they are eating well, and using the litter box normally, and drinking, don’t worry too much. But on the other hand, if they are listless and not eating or drinking, it is best to keep them in the veterinary hospital.

There are also times when we as people have something in our nose that makes us sneeze. Your cat may have some dust, pollens, or other allergens in their noses too that are causing them to sneeze. Keeping a clean house free of dust for humans is just as important for our dogs and cats too.

Some of us as humans are known to be scent-sensitive. The same could be true with your feline friend. Give that some thought about which scents may be in your home that is causing your cat to have allergy symptoms.

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If your cat is having some dental issues with their teeth, it can cause them to sneeze a lot too. If your cat has foul breath, then they may need their teeth cleaned. Brushing their teeth also can help this condition, but not if there are other major dental problems.

There is also such a thing as your cat having an allergy to the litter you are using in their litter box. If your cat is continually sneezing, but showing no other signs of illness, then consider this as a possibility, and buy litter that is unscented. I recommend TidyCats. It has no smell, and contains the odors really well from your cat’s use. If you haven’t tried this litter already, do give it a whirl.

The cat flu may also cause your cat to sneeze. This is not deadly, and will need to run its course. Your cat will have a bit of a struggle breathing through their noses, and have a runny nose, and even joint pain. This illness can easily be prevented by keeping your cat away from other cats that may spread it around. Vets can give your cat some antibiotics for any infections that are the result of this flu. If the cat is having trouble with liquids, it should be kept in the veterinary hospital with intravenous fluids. This illness will last for up to 7 or maybe 10 days.