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When Can I Start Trying Again After Having a Miscarriage?


When can I start trying again after having a miscarriage? This question has been asked numerous times by numerous women. In all reality, there is no ‘certain time’. However, there are several things you will need to factor in to planning your next pregnancy.

What issues led to the last miscarriage?

When trying to get pregnant again, the first thing to do is determine what caused your previous miscarriage. Was it caused by a medical condition you have or a medical condition carried by the baby? If it was caused by a condition that you had or may still have, you need to consult your doctor before trying again. Be sure to tell your doctor that you are planning to get pregnant again and see if it would be safe for both you and the baby if you attempted another pregnancy. Ask if there are any risks or possible procedures that you will need to be aware of in the event that the same condition were to arise again.

Are YOU ready to try again?

Experiencing a miscarriage can not only be tragic, but also emotional for both you and your family. Too often, after experiencing a miscarriage, some women tend to jump right back in the sack and start trying again. Sometimes it comes from desperately wanting a child and other times it can come from family and friends pushing too hard, too soon. But ask yourself, “Am I am really ready to start trying again?”

So, have you over come your last miscarriage? While you will never forget the baby that you lost, have you overcome it? Are you ready to move on? Are you wanting to get pregnant again because YOU want to, or because your husband also wants a child, and your father wants so badly to be a Papa? Its very critical that you don’t start trying again until YOU are ready!

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Is your body ready to take the challenge again and try again?

Despite how badly you want a child, you can try for years and never succeed if your body isn’t ready. Talk with your OB/GYN when you plan to start trying again. Trying to get pregnant when your are not completely healed from the last pregnancy will only cause more heart ache when you don’t get pregnant. Trying to get pregnant to soon can cause further complications for your reproductive system and sometimes lead to another miscarriage or the inability to have children in the future.

Speak with your doctor about your last miscarriage. Knowing what caused it will help to prevent yet another terrible miscarriage. You need to be sure that you have fully healed and that your body can take being pregnant again. Depending on current health problems you may have, ask your doctor about procedures that can be done to insure that your pregnancy will be as healthy and safe as possible.

Time to get prepared!
Now that you have decided that you and your body are ready, and that its safe to try again, it’s time to get started. Continue to consult your doctor while trying. Be sure to follow all precautions and discuss issues that are important to you! Ask any questions that you may have. So get prepared: take your prenatal vitamins and a get plenty of exercise so that you will be healthy when you finally do get that plus sign or those two double lines!