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Miscarriages: The Signs, Causes and What Happens Next


One of the scariest experiences that any woman may have to go through is miscarriage. If you have never had a miscarriage before, chances are that you may know little or nothing about miscarriages. It is important for every pregnant woman to know more about the causes and signs of miscarriage.

What are the Causes of a Miscarriage?

There are many different causes of miscarriage. While it is not a cause, one of the main factors which is known to be associated with miscarriage is your age. A woman who is over 40 have a much greater chance of having a miscarriage than a woman who is 20. Women who have diabetes that is not controlled, whether they know that they have it or not, are also at a much higher risk for experiencing a miscarriage. Sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes or chlamydia, may also play a role in your chances of having a miscarriage. Other causes of miscarriage may include smoking and drinking. Of course, there are many other factors which can lead to miscarriage, such as hormonal imbalances or problems with the uterus.

Are There Warning Signs of a Miscarriage?

There are warning signs of miscarriage. Unlike some conditions which may have warning signs that do not seem all that unusual, the warning signs of a miscarriage are known to be pretty noticeable. The most common warning sign of a miscarriage is either spotting or heavy bleeding, which may or may not be accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen region. If you experience symptoms which are anything like this, or any other unusual symptoms, it is important to immediately contact your doctor.

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What are the Symptoms of a Miscarriage?

Much like the warning signs of miscarriage, you will be likely to notice the symptoms of a miscarriage. Some of the main symptoms of miscarriage often include a brown discharge that is followed by vaginal bleeding, lower back pain, vaginal cramping, tissue and/or blood clots passing through the vagina, and abdominal pain. When you visit the doctor, he or she will want you to be very detailed about all of your miscarriage-related symptoms, as well as any other strange symptoms you may have experienced at this time.

What Happens After a Miscarriage?

The main thing that you are probably concerned with is what you can expect to happen after you have had a miscarriage. Some of the things that you can expect include an internal pelvic exam, an ultrasound to find out if the baby still has a heartbeat, and a blood test to find out your hormone levels.

If the doctor has confirmed that you have had a miscarriage, the next thing that you can expect to go through is a D&C.; During this procedure, which is formally called a dilation and curettage, the remaining tissue will be removed. This happens through dilation of the cervix and scraping of the uterus lining to remove the remaining tissue. While it is likely for you to feel a bit uncomfortable with light spotting for a few days to a week after a D&C;, it is important to make sure that you call your doctor if you experience any severe symptoms.

Since the emotional effects of miscarriage can be quite devastating, therapy or counseling is often recommended. However, this will mainly depend on you and how well you are personally able to deal with the pain and grief of losing a child.

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You should not begin to try to get pregnant again for at least another four months after you have experience a miscarriage. It is important to keep in mind that you will be able to get pregnant again, even though you have experienced a miscarriage. Many women live in fear of having another one, and while it is possible to have more than one miscarriage, it is also possible for you to have a healthy birth.