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What to Store in a Panic Room

Home Burglary, Safe Rooms

For many years, panic rooms or safe rooms, as they are known by both, was reserved for the extremely rich or the notorious. Today though, many average people throughout the US are putting a safe room in their house as it is being built, or their creating one in the home they live in now. There are great companies that you can contact to have one installed by a professional. It is not hard to have one built or added, but after it is built you will need to know some of the basic requirements and necessities that you will need in the room in order to be able to contact to the police department, ambulance, or for personal use. Read on to learn what to put in there so you will be prepared during the wait, should you have to use the room.

The movie The Panic Room that was released a few years ago, starring Jodie Foster and Jared Leto made a lot of people sit up, and look at the value of having a panic room in their home. Her character was trapped inside with her young daughter, and was in need of asthmatic medication. She was not prepared totally for the break-in, but all turned out well for her character and child in the end. Of course, it might not have, if it was not a movie. Do not let this happen to you, be more than prepared if necessary, so you can escape the horror of a home burglary.

Quality panic rooms are now easily assembled within an existing home or built into a new construction. The designs blend perfectly with your home behind mirrors, or doors and walls. Today’s panic rooms are mostly built of high grade steel and other metals that cannot be penetrated by cutting, smashing, or any other force. Panic rooms also come equipped with phone and security installations that can help you track the crook inside your home, and also call the police or other authorities.

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Here are a few tips for preparedness that my neighbor told me about after they had built a panic room in their house:

• Install a home security unit for your house, and make sure to include a keypad inside your panic room. Today’s up to date models have a panic code to punch in, that will immediately notify the home security team to get in touch with the police and medical emergency units.

• Buy a rechargeable phone and keep in the room. In fact, it would be a good idea to have an extra phone just in case something goes wrong with the first one.

• Include plenty of extra phone jacks that can be plugged into, and connect directly for landline use.

• Have designed into your area, a place for bathroom facilities of some kind. It does not have to be a full bathroom, but only a space for using the toilet.

• Keep plenty of blankets and towels for emergency situations, such as someone that might be injured or that has been in the cold or rain. Blankets are also great for people in shock because wrapping them in one will stop the loss of body heat.

• Leave an extra change of clothes and shoes inside for whoever may be entering the room.

• Keep an adequate supply of medication, or store some of it in a spot close to the panic room and take it with you as you enter the room.

Packaged food and disposable water bottles should be bought and kept restocked, just in case you are in there a while, or in case there is someone that has to eat on a regular basis, such as an diabetic. Same goes for pets. If you know your animal will be with you supply them with food too.

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• A basic medical supply kit should be included.

Remember, the value of a panic room, and having a home security system installed in your home, very well could save your life. More importantly, knowing how to stock them with the necessary items is just as necessary. Stay in your panic room until help arrives, and you will be very glad that you have had built in your house a panic room that does not cause you panic after you are in there. My neighbor was certainly grateful for it.

Also, check out these resources to learn about a few top rated companies online that install panic rooms, and have the knowledge and know-how to do it.
