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What is Microdermoabrasion?

Liver Spots, Skin Discoloration

What is Microdermoabrasion?

If you suffer from skin discoloration caused by liver spots, acne or surface scars, you could be a candidate for microdermoabrasion. This treatment is done by dermatologists or in spas and consists of removing the damaged top layers of skin, revealing new, fresh skin cells beneath. This type of treatment is a little easier on you than chemical peels or more aggressive methods of skin problem elimination, but it is still effective against surface problems.

Microdermoabrasion is most commonly used to correct fairly simple problems as stretch marks from sudden weight gain and pregnancy, age spots and other discolorations, wrinkles, acne scars, and large pores. It is not effective against deeper tissue problems such as deep scars or tattoos, those require far more powerful methods.

The actual process of microdermoabrasion resembles sandblasting the paint off a car. Tiny micro-crystals, usually aluminum-oxide crystals, are used to remove the top layers of skin, exposing fresh and slightly raw skin underneath. The newly exposed cells are then encouraged to grow quickly and form a new, smooth and even-toned skin. It may take several treatments to get the results you want, but they tend to be short, around 60 minutes, so it is easy enough to fit into your day.

You will need to make an appointment for your microdermoabrasion treatment. Avoid aspirin or related products beforehand and try not to smoke for a few days as well, so there will be plenty of blood flow to the area you are having treated. This helps promote rapid regrowth of the skin.

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If you are having facial microdermoabrasion, you will need to make sure that your face is free of makeup or any other grime. The spa technician or doctor will most likely clean your face with an astringent designed for this purpose, but it is best to go in clean. A cream or soothing gel will be applied first to your skin to prevent too much discomfort. Although pain killers are not necessary, you can request a numbing cream if you are worried about discomfort. Most spas are more than willing to put you at ease this way as it doesn’t affect the treatment at all.

Recovery time is relatively quick. Few people who have microdermoabrasion treatments need to rest afterward and experience very little discomfort after the procedure is over. You can take a Tylenol if you find yourself in pain.

While severe problems are best left to a dermatologist, if you just want smoother, clearer skin, you can buy an at home microdermoabrasion kit. This contains a battery operated resurfacing tool and the crystallized cream. Though nowhere near as effective as a spa treatment, the home kits can and do offer good results for lesser problems such as fine line reduction and removal of faint discolorations.

Microdermoabrasion is a new, less invasive method of relieving minor skin problems. It can make you look and feel better and although it is often somewhat uncomfortable, users agree that the results are worth it.