A bradycardia arrhythmia is one of two common types of arrhythmias. The other type is known as a tachycardia arrhythmia. Arrhythmias, also known as dsrhythmias or an irregular heart rhythm occur when there is a problem with the electrical system of one’s heart muscle. These problems then produce interferences that cause one’s heart rate to change and can even interfere with the heart’s ability to pump correctly.

The heart normally beats or contracts at an average beat of 60 to 80 times per minute, when one is resting. If one is suffering from bradycardia arrhythmia his/her heart will beat less than 60 beats per minute, at a resting rate.

How are most Bradycarida Arrhythmias located?

Most people do not realize that their heart is beating slower than normal. For this reason, the condition is usually spotted during a normal physical exam given by one’s physician. It is easily spotted during the simple act of taking one’s pulse or listening to your heart.

What can cause Bradycardia Arrhythmia?

Although, there is no real known cause of any type of arrhythmia there can be contributing factors. In the case of bradycardia arrythmias the contributing factors can include:


Side effects of medications

Sinus node dysfunction

Heart Block

How can Bradycardia Arrythmia be treated?

Your physician will evaluate your condition. You will probably also be given a thorough exam. During this exam, an ECG may be conducted to further evaluate your heart rate. If necessary, some other testing that can be done includes: wearing an ambulatory monitor to measure your heart rate for a number of hours, having a stress test completed to see how your arrhythmia can handle stress or having an echocardiogram scheduled. In rare cases, a cardiac catheterization made be done.

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A bradycardia arrhythmia can be treated with medications, life style changes such as avoiding stress, avoiding the use of tobacco products and alcohol.

In serious cases, electrical cardioversion may be used to shock the heart to beat regularly, a pacemaker may be implanted to help the heart maintain a regular beat or surgery may need to be performed.

However, in most cases, doctors will have to do nothing because the arrhythmia will be found not be serious.

This does not mean that you should do nothing, if you think that you may be suffering from a bradycarida arrhythmia. If you feel your heart is not beating correctly, you must seek medical advice.

After all your heart is what keeps your blood pumping.

To learn more about tachycardia arrhythmia check out these articles:

Explanation of What Tachycardia is

Symptoms and the Common Ways to Treat Tachycardia

Note: The writer of the above article is not a physician. Therefore the article should not be considered medical advice. The article is not meant to treat, diagnose, prescribe or cure any ailment. Always check with your physician before taking any products or following any advice you read online.


