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Want to Cut Your Own Hair at Home? Follow These Directions to Succeed

Cut Your Own Hair

Now a days more and more people are trying to cut their own hair at home to save money, which is fine as long as you don’t go over board and cut it all off. Always remember though hair does grow back, but you will have to wait until it grows in. So in the mean time you will have to work with it the best you can. To try to avoid chopping off too much, always start out with a little first, because you can always go and cut more. Another great thing to remember if your hair you cut isn’t that even don’t worry and try to fix it, because most of all the trendy styles that are out are all choppy and uneven anyway. So you will fit right in no matter what. To me a perfectly straight haircut always looks too perfect, where it has no style or pizazz about it. So the more messed up the haircut is the better the style and versatility it will have. If you are a daring and adventurous person and want to create your own cut at home, then heres what you do:

Before you start chopping away you will need a few items. You will need a good pair of scissors that are sharp. You can find a decent priced pair for about twenty five dollars or so at a beauty supply place. Please don’t use your coupon scissors, they will only dull your hair out and cause more split ends on your hair. No matter how sharp you think they are. Then you will need a towel or a shampoo cape. I prefer a shampoo cape, so that the hair doesn’t stick all over you and it’s less messy. You can find one of these capes at a beauty supply store for about five dollars, They are great because you can use them for other things as well like, coloring your hair or even just shampooing your hair. Now before you decide to start chopping away like Edward scissor hands please think about how much you are going to take off. Either it’s gonna be a inch or a drastic change and a few inches.

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Place a section of hair in your hands, but not too much from the top of your hair, pull it straight up and cut across what hair is in your fingers. Remember though try and only do about a half an inch to a inch at a time. It’s better to take less, because you can always go back and cut more if desire. Continue to do this step until the top is done. Now this sounds easy right? Well as easy as it sounds it can easily be messed up too if your not paying attention to what you are doing.

Next is to do your sides. Do yourself a huge favor and try and cut one side at a time try not to alternate sides because, this will lead you to either forget what side you are cutting or, you might end up favoring one side more and chopping it all off. Start with taking one section from the top of the hair with your left hand, hold it straight up and grab a small section of your right side first and place it together with that top section and dragging your hair to the left while the pieces are falling, cut the pieces that are in your fingers. This will create layers doing this way. Do this for the first side. Follow this procedure for the other side by taking a piece of the top hair on the left side and gather it with the first section of your hair on the left side. Pull it straight up and drag it over to the left and cut whats in your fingers.

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Now you need to blend in the back of your hair or as I would say crown area with your sides. To do this you can use your sides as a guideline. Try and work from the crown of the head to the sides. Pull up the first section at the crown area, Drag it slightly forward along with a section of the side. Then cut off the hair in your fingers. When that section is done and you have blended it all now it’s time to cut your bangs.

To cut your bangs isn’t as simple as you think. I highly suggest cutting your bangs when almost dried. If not your bangs will be extremely short. Bangs have a tendency to shrink a lot especially with curly hair. Comb down one side of your bangs and hold your hair between your middle and ring finger. Use your fingers as a guideline and cut straight across. If you want a more stylish bang like spiky, chunky, or feathered then follow the same procedure, but instead of cutting straight across cut upwards into them. almost like chipping into them. Then comb down the other side of bangs and do the same thing mention on the first side using your fingers as a guide. Make sure you don’t make a huge section of bangs. Just do a medium section. Don’t go back too far or you will start to cut into your sides or crown. So if you think you can try this, then give it a shot. Just remember hair grows back. Sometimes though when you mess up your hair, it always seems to look really nice for some odd reason.