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Visit Daytona Beach Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida Beaches

Central Florida has many beaches that line the coastline. Some of these beaches are famous while others remain known only to local residents of the state. Daytona Beach has long been considered the world’s most famous beach and was once the site for spring break every year. While Daytona Beach is still considered the world’s most famous beach it definitely leaves something to be desired when it comes to cleanliness.

Daytona Beach does offer a reasonably clean sand content directly on the beach but unfortunately the entire city has become run down and is a huge hot spot for transients. The town is loaded with prostitutes that are perched up on nearly every corner making Daytona Beach a terrible place to bring a family. It just isn’t the famous beach that it once was, and the streets are reflecting these changes.

On the shore, the water is still the same crystally blue green color and the sand is soft and white. It’s just too bad that there are often transients passed out in the dunes with litter and trash all around them. The entire beach tends to be littered with trash and transients that are looking for a handout of some sort. Not to mention the fact that they are very rude most of the time.

Daytona Beach does have pretty good fishing spots if you are willing to accept the transient problem. Some of the best fishing in all of central Florida can be accomplished from the Daytona Beach Jetties located at Jetty Park. The water comes into the jetty forming a dip in the ocean floor where schools of fish swarm waiting for a quick meal that may come their way. If you are an avid fisherman, or just want to try it out, Daytona Beach is a good place for fishing the ocean.

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For lack of a better phrase, Daytona Beach has gone progressively downhill over the last ten years. Although the city is trying to clean things up, it seems that the transient population mixed with the prostitute population makes this entire city a dirty place all together. Of all the Central Florida Beaches that you can visit, the world’s most famous beach is not the best on the list. It is not a safe place for families, tourists, or residents to be.

While there are still many local attractions and things to do on the beach, the prices have progressively risen to make up for the lack in tourism to the area. Motor sport rental prices are at an all time high, parasailing costs well over $100 for a trip that is about 10 minutes long, and beach toy rentals range in excess of $15 per day which is more than you would pay to buy half of the toys at the store. The world’s most famous beach cannot even keep up with pricing in the area without taking things overboard.