Karla News

Victor Alfieri – His Upcoming Movies and Future Projects

Mousetrap, Pier One

Victor Alfieri played Lieutenant Valenti in Angels and Demons starring Tom Hanks, and played the leading role in the movie A Secret Promise. Alfieri has been busy writing, producing and acting in films and I had the honor of interviewing Alfieri on his success and upcoming films.

Alfieri has appeared in The Bold and the Beautiful but his heart really belongs in films. In 2008, Alfieri decided to venture into producing and writing. “I produced two short films and one feature film,” Alfieri explained. The feature film is based on true facts on ancient history. It’s an adventure and mystery that turns into a horror movie at the end. It was filmed in Italy and I’m really excited [about it].”

Alfieri loves to travel and being outdoors. He seized the opportunity to stay in Mexico City for a few months while working, and Angels and Demons was shot in Rome. “It was a great experience and a lot of fun,” Alfieri said.

Fred Manocherian, producer, director and writer for A Secret Promise introduced Alfieri to Benjamin Overman, the President and CEO of Mousetrap Films, LLC and Jill Gray Savarese, Vice President of Theatrical Distribution. They featured A Secret Promise in the Film Festival Flix in New Haven, Connecticut. Mousetrap Films takes independent films and promotes them for a chance to make it in the film industry. Alfieri looks forward to working with Overman and Gray Savarese with his upcoming films.

Alfieri co-wrote a short film with leading actress Bibi Amos called “Ben in Becca”, which was just finished recently. “I’m very happy about this one,” stated Alfieri. “It has a great message with lots of drama. I also acted in that as well. It should be ready in August 2012 and will [also] be in the film festivals.”

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Alfieri has worked with J. J. Abrams, who is one of the biggest producers in TV and movies with a few shows such as the TV series Southland, The Mentalist and Undercovers.

Alfieri will also be doing a commercial for Pier One and shooting a campaign for Harley Davidson.

I want to thank Victor for taking the time to interview with me. I wish him the best of luck with all his upcoming films and projects.

You can read more on Victor Alfieri’s past films on The Internet Movie Database (IMDB).

Read more about Mousetrap Films and their newest snag to the Australian drama, Face to Face.

Additional Sources:


Mousetrap Films, LLC

Phone interview with Victor Alfieri April 2012