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Vaginal Yeast Infections – Effective Homemade Remedies

Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Vaginal Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infections are an ongoing medical problem for women. In fact, 75-85% of the American female population who are in their child-bearing years suffer from this type of infection. Women who are pregnant, diabetic, have HIV, or are taking oral contraceptives or antibiotics are most susceptible to suffer from vaginal yeast infections. Yeast (or Candida albicans) is a natural fungus that’s always present in this organ. Normally, good bacteria known as Lactobacillus acidophilus keep the yeast under control. But, sometimes, certain factors cause the yeast to multiply uncontrollably. When this happens, a vaginal yeast infection occurs. Read this informative article and learn some effective homemade remedies for vaginal yeast infection!

Typical Symptoms of a Vaginal Yeast Infection
A medical doctor can perform a vaginal examination and make a culture to properly diagnose whether-or-not a woman has this type of infection. If you’ve suffered from this before, though, you probably are aware of the typical symptoms which include:

1) Burning, itching and redness in/around the vagina.
2) Pain during sexual intercourse.
3) Pain and burning during urination.
4) Unusual vaginal discharges.

Lactobacillus acidophilus to the Rescue!
The first effective homemade remedy for vaginal yeast infections is to take Lactobacillus acidophilus orally. Since a lack of this good bacteria in a woman’s body can cause this type of infection, it just makes good sense. You can find L. acidophilus in capsule form at your local drugstore or healthfood store. Or, use your favorite search engine, such as Google or Yahoo! and find a supplier on the Internet.

From what I’ve read, medical researchers are still unsure about whether taking L. acidophilus is actually effective at treating vaginal yeast infections. I happened to know this natural bacteria has helped my friend Jan. Jan suffered from constant vaginal yeast infections, as well as skin infections, which were also caused by the yeast. Once she began taking Lactobacillus acidophilus on a daily basis, as well as following some other precautions, the yeast infections cleared up once and for all!

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In conjunction with taking L. acidophilus, Jan used these other effective homemade remedies:

1) She stopped using vaginal douches and tampons. Both of these supposedly “healthy” products disrupt the natural chemical balance in the vagina.

2) Jan also mixed up a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and water. She then applied the solution liberally to the itchy, burning, red affected areas of her skin, including outside the vaginal area. She did this several times a day to help relieve the symptoms of the yeast infection. Jan reported the solution was “soothing.” It helped her cope until the Lactobacillus acidophilus kicked in and the infections began to clear up. (You can also add a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath water and soak in it for relief.)

Eat Plain, Unsweetened Yogurt
Another effective, homemade remedy for vaginal yeast infections is to eat plenty of plain, unsweetened yogurt. Since yogurt is usually curdled by using either Lactobacillus bulgaricus or Streptococcus thermophilus, two other good bacteria, eating this tasty food can help reduce the yeast overpopulation in a woman’s body. But, make sure you choose the unsweetened variety since yeast thrives on sugar.

If you prefer drinking buttermilk to eating yogurt, this soured liquid can also help add beneficial bacteria to your body.