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Using Sandpaper for Hair Removal

Body Hair, Sandpaper

Women have been removing their body hair for quite a long time now. There are many modern methods available to accomplish this task, such as shaving, waxing, Nair-ing, and lasering. Most people have heard of these and use them as part of their normal beauty routine. However, these methods can be painful, expensive, or both! So what is a cheaper and gentler option?

Sandpaper (friction hair removal)

You read that correctly! Sandpaper is a great tool for hair removal. I remember watching my grandmother sandpapering her legs when I was a very little girl. Years later, I asked her why she had been rubbing sandpaper on her legs, and she replied “To get rid of the hair, of course!” She also explained that this was a common method of hair removal during the years of World War II when metal was not readily available to the general public, since it was needed for the war effort.

I have successfully used sandpaper as a hair removal tool for several years now. Sandpaper works as a friction method of removal, meaning that the hair is more or less ground away at the skin surface. Despite sounding painful, it really isn’t painful at all. It can be slightly irritating, but that’s it.

To try this method, get a sheet of very fine sandpaper. I use 600 grit. This fine of a grit usually is not available in hardware stores, so you will have to go to an auto products shop like AutoZone or Advance Auto Parts to get it. Look in the paint section–a very fine grit of sandpaper is needed when painting a car to make it really smooth for the paint, so these shops usually carry it. Alternately, check online–I got a roll of 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper that will easily last me a year for just $4 plus shipping from a seller on eBay. Another good bet is Amazon, where I’ve seen sandpaper sold in packages of 50 9×11″ sheets for $12.95. In the store a package of sandpaper should not cost more than $5. Anything coarser than this really should not be used as it will just tear your skin apart rather than get rid of the hair.

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To use, find something that you can attach the sandpaper to so it can act as a “handle”. I paste mine on the back of an old hairbrush. My grandmother used a spatula. A friend of mine uses a block of wood. Cut the piece of sandpaper to fit and attach it to the handle you chose. The sandpaper should have a sticky backing, if it doesn’t, try taping it in place.

Next, SLOWLY and GENTLY rub the sandpaper in clockwise motions on your skin wherever the hair you want gone is. Rub six times in one direction, then six times in the opposite direction. Use a light touch, don’t press hard or try to grind away your skin. You’ll probably notice a fine white powder accumulating–that’s the top layer of your skin being exfoliated. Keep working at it until the section you want is hair-free.

Do not rub up and down or side-to-side, this can be very irritating on your skin. Remember, slow and gentle is the key.

If the method doesn’t work the first time, try, try again! Wait a day and give it another shot. Often if you have very thick, coarse body hair it will take two or three tries to begin removing the hair. Don’t give up!

Sandpapering usually lasts two or three days before the hair starts to grow back. A benefit of this method is that since the hair is being ground away at the surface rather than cut at an angle like with a razor, it grown back softer and thinner. Another benefit is that every time you do it you exfoliate your skin, so your skin will be incredibly soft and smooth afterward.

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This method can be used anywhere on the body you like. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and one of the symptoms is excess body hair. I use sandpapering on every part of my body–legs, arms, underarms, stomach, and yes, my bikini line. My grandmother did it on her face as well and suffered no adverse effects, so try it if you wish. I personally use threading for facial hair removal, since it lasts a bit longer.

When you are done, apply some moisturizer to soothe your skin. And enjoy being hair-free!