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Using Coconut Oil in Your Massage Business

Coconut Oil

I used organic coconut oil for my massage clients for 14 years without any negative comments or allergic reactions. (Make sure you ask clients if they have any allergies to coconuts with an alternative available for them.) Clients have mentioned having clothes washing cleaner. Clients also love the ease of washing the oil off in the shower. My favorite feature is the perfect amount of glide for their massage, not too slick and not sticky. Just a small amount goes far without repeatedly applying more oil.

Water Solubility of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has the unique quality of being one of only two oils that are water soluble. I recommend that you wash your sheets with hot water and laundry soap that has good surfactant properties such as Tide. Tip: Make sure that you do not overcrowd the washing machine.

Shelf Life of Coconut Oil

Check the expiration dates of your massage oils and you will see that some of the popularly used oils have a short shelf life. Oils last longer if they are stored in a dark, cool place and some oils have such a short shelf life that they should be refrigerated. When oils age they can lose their stability and become rancid. The progress to rancidity is even faster when you add in other factors such as heat and light. More information and links to research articles are available on: www.coconutoil.com The shelf life of coconut oil varies from 18 months to two years, depending on the type of processing.

Extend the Life of Massage Sheets with Coconut Oil

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Using coconut oil will leave your sheets cleaner without the staining and smells that occur with other oils. Undesirable scents and stains are common reasons for the need to replace sheets. My favorite coconut oil is an expeller pressed (unscented) oil sold by www.tropicaltraditions.com The price is reasonable enough to buy in large quantities. The stability allows a larger order discount. This company makes a premium version of organic coconut oil without using machines for processing the oil. An informative video is available at: www.tropicaltraditions.com/virgin_coconut_oil Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the page for prices and ordering.

Using Coconut Oil for Massage

Coconut oil is solid at room temperature and has a melting temperature of 76 degrees. The simple way to use coconut oil for massage is to simply have a small jar (16 oz. or smaller) available on a counter top and dip your fingers into the jar for use. It melts quickly in your hands. A more sanitary way to use coconut oil is with a warmer and a glass pump bottle. The warmer used is an electric candle warmer that is typically found in stores among the candle selection or in some online auction sites. Some warmers get too hot for massage, so test them before your massage. If you have difficulty finding an electric candle warmer, the oil can be heated in a glass measuring cup in a microwave. Four ounce amber glass bottles with a black pump can be found at www.lavenderlane.com One final additional tool that is helpful is a small oil carrier that is worn as a belt or part of an apron. Once the oil is warmed it will easily stay melted throughout a one hour massage. Clients’ relaxation is enhanced with the continuous contact you will have with them. Happy clients mean better business and coconut oil could be just what you’re looking for…

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