Karla News

Using a Rain Barrel for Garden Water

Rain Water, Watering Plants

A rain collection barrel is a large, circular container used by homeowners to collect and store rainwater for later use in a garden. Stationed around a home, a rain collection barrel directs falling rainwater through a screen filter and into its base. Rain barrels are certainly not a new invention though. Rain collection barrels have been utilized for centuries to collect rainwater for use with crop irrigation and water gardens. Unfortunately, modern society has become too accustomed to relying on costly and environmentally unfriendly public water systems (e.g. tap water). It is only recently that rain barrels are regaining popularity, and this is primarily due to the onslaught of droughts across the US (especially in California).

Rain barrels are a source for free, natural water usable for watering plants and maintaining a garden. What with increasing water usage limitations due to droughts, and the subsequent rise in water bills, it is no wonder that more Americans are rushing to the store to buy themselves a rain water barrel. Using a rain barrel not only helps conserve our precious water supply, it is cost-efficient, environmentally friendly, and makes perfect sense. How do you think primitive man survived without tap water? They did it by collecting water in rain barrels and storing it for later use.

The truth is that buying a rain water barrel isn’t even necessary. You can easily make your own rain barrel out of simple household supplies. For instructions on how to make a rain barrel, check out http://www.naturalrainwater.com/make_rainbarrel.htm. Just be sure that your homemade rain barrel is both child and mosquito proof. You do not want children falling into a rain barrel. In addition, mosquitoes that sneak into a rain water barrel will start breeding in it, thereby contaminating the water. Also ensure that your rain water barrel does not overflow, as this will cause the soil around it to quickly erode. If you cannot avoid an overflowing rain barrel, then at least place it somewhere safe like on your driveway, away from plants.

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To prevent algae from growing in your rain water barrel, use dark materials that prevent sunlight from penetrating. If building a rain barrel, make sure you do not use any materials that may have become toxic. For instance, using a former trashcan as a rain barrel would be a bad idea. I recommend using a plastic rain barrel that also has a spout at its base. This will allow you easy access to the water later on.

If you decide to purchase a rain barrel, you can easily find cheap rain barrels at superstores like Walmart, Target, and K-Mart. Stores usually offer several types of rain barrels as well. You can choose from a plastic rain barrel, wooden rain barrel, or even decorative rain barrels if that suits your fancy. Personally though, I recommend focusing on purchasing a good quality rain barrel vs. an attractive rain barrel.

Lastly, I want to make sure you understand that rain barrel water is not meant for drinking, cooking, or showering. Rain barrel water is typically very grimy and full of nasty human contaminants. But for your lawn and garden, rain barrel water is perfect. In fact, rain barrel water will have your plants growing like never before. Trust me on that! The bottom line is that rain barrel water is free, good for your plants, and all natural. So instead of wasting tap water on your plants, go out and get yourself a rain barrel TODAY!