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Unusual Animal Facts

Animal Facts, Madagascar, Unusual Pets

If you are thinking about getting a pet and want something a little bit out of the ordinary here are some unusual animal facts about some of the pets you might consider owning. Every thought of keeping a Sugar Glider as a pet? Although native only to Australia and a few other places they are popular as house pets and are a very curious marsupial. They grow to be about seven inches in length and weigh about four ounces when fully grown. They have a long tail which is about as long as their body. Their fur is usually grey or black in color. In the wild the Sugar Glider as it’s name suggests has the ability to glide from tree to tree. Extra attention must be given to the diet of the Sugar Glider. They eat meat, fruits and vegetables but should never be fed treats such as chocolate. One unusual animal fact about the Sugar Glider is that ounce for ounce they have the smelliest farts of any animal. Something you might want to take into consideration if you live in a small apartment or are particularly sensitive to smells.

While most people run to the phone to call the Orkin man when they see cockroaches scurrying around their home there are people who actually keep them as pets. The Madagascar hissing cockroach is a popular pet for some people. As it’s name suggests the Madagascar cockroach does make a hissing noise which is one of the reasons for their popularity as a pet. They grow to be about three inches long but lack wings and therefore are unable to fly. The Madagascar cockroach only requires a small area in which to live. They can be kept alive on vegetables. One unusual animal fact about the Madagascar hissing cockroach is that they do not like lighted areas instead preferring the dark.

See also  Exotic Pets: Hedgehogs

If you are looking for a somewhat larger pet you might consider a pot bellied pig. As you would think these pigs can get rather large and are know to be constantly on the prowl for food. Pigs are actually one of the most intelligent animals on the earth. They can learn to open doors and like to root around so they should be given an outdoors area where they can explore. Some pot bellied pigs can be aggressive and should be made to mind such as you would with a dog. They can be stubborn but are very social so you should plan to spend time with your pot bellied pig everyday. If possible it might be a good idea to have more than one pot bellied pig so as they can keep each other company. On average a pot bellied pig will live to about the age of fifteen. They make wonderful pets but knowledge along with proper care are required to make the relationship a happy one both for you and the pig.

Owning a pet that is a little bit out of the ordinary can be a fun and educational experience. However thought and plenty of research should be done before the decision is made to actually get one of these types of animals. Special care and attention will have to be taken to keep these types of pets alive and well cared for. There also might be special laws that affect the ownership of these types of pets in your area. Whether it be a Madagascar hissing cockroach, pot bellied pig, a Sugar Glider or some other exotic animal you will always have a great conversation piece and can regal your friends and family with unusual animal facts about your unusual pet.