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Understanding Post Rape Syndrome

The human body is capable of handling certain (normal) amounts of stress.

There are certain things that exceed the level of stress we are capable of handling.

Rape is a situation that nobody is built to handle… and post rape syndrome is the very natural, human reaction that ensues.

Post Rape Syndrome is a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because the symptoms are very similar. However, there is limited information available about post rape syndrome.

Many women continue to live in unawareness due to the specific symptoms that are unique only to post rape syndrome.

Symptoms of PTSD

Source: http://www.empowher.com/news/herarticle/2009/04/08/about-post-rape-stress-disorder)

  • Frequent upsetting thoughts or memories
  • Recurring nightmares
  • “Flashbacks” (feeling like the traumatic experience is happening again.)
  • Distress when reminded of the event
  • Physical responses when reminded of the event
  • Avoiding thoughts, feelings, or conversations about the event
  • Avoiding places or people that might trigger a reminder of the event
  • Difficulty remembering important parts of the traumatic event
  • A loss of interest in once enjoyable activities
  • Feeling withdrawn or isolating from others
  • Feeling like “nobody understands”
  • Difficulty feeling positive emotions
  • Sleep problems
  • Frequent mood changes including angry outbursts
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling jumpy or anxious

The symptoms of PTSD vary, along with the level of disruption in an individual’s ability to live a normal life. It can take weeks, months, or even years before any of the symptoms of PTSD develop. Please consult with your doctor for a more accurate assessment and to discuss PTSD treatment options.

Post Rape Syndrome Symptoms

  • The natural first reaction to a highly traumatic situation such as rape is to avoid it: by not thinking about it, not talking about it, even pretending it never happened.
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While It can be very painful to talk about rape, the longer a person keeps these emotions buried; the deeper these emotions will become. The most notable fact about these buried emotions is the confusion they incur. An individual can not identify, understand, or recover from how (s)he feels until they are ready to face those feelings.

  • Some victims act out against these buried feelings by becoming sexually promiscuous.

This is a very normal behavior for those who aren’t prepared to face their reality yet. Unfortunately this is also a dangerous reaction to take.

  • Other rape victims tend to avoid sex.

This reaction is equally hurtful as it can be further damaging to relationships.

It’s very important to focus specifically on post rape syndrome instead of generalizing the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder: symptoms that may occur after a car accident for example.

A burden of post rape syndrome is a unique sexual disorder that (without acknowledgement) can prolong the recovery process indefinitely.

  • Often, a victim of rape may “give in” to a partner to satisfy their sexual needs even though (s)he is not ready yet.

This is the worst thing a rape victim can do.

Avoidance is a very important part of healing. However, the anxiety incurred in post traumatic stress disorder may leave one feeling overly vulnerable and helpless. This is an unhealthy level of avoidance..

What Loved Ones Can Do to Help A Victim of Post Rape Syndrome

If somebody you know may be suffering post rape syndrome: a majority of the information for helping somebody with post traumatic stress disorder is applicable.

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However, specific and additional steps should be taken because post rape syndrome is unique.

  1. Do not push him or her to talk before they are ready; yet make every effort possible to push them into being ready to talk. The sooner they begin to open up, the sooner they can begin the recovery process.
  2. Offer support when they do show an interest in talking. While the emotions expressed may be difficult, your reactions are what matter most. It may be painful to hear what she or he is sharing, but that is why they need to share it. As difficult as it may be to avoid negative reactions it is very important that you encourage positive emotions.
  3. Encourage a loved one to seek counseling. Medication may be available to help with anxiety and depression, if appropriate.
  4. If the burden shared has affected you, you may want to participate in counseling as well.
  5. If your partner is suffering post rape syndrome: your role is very important. You must show your partner that there are other ways to feel intimate aside from sex. Your patience is a key factor in determining the recovery process, even if your own sexual needs have to wait.

It may take a long time before somebody is ready, but the support of loved ones will encourage the healing process.
