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Uncovering the Gemstone Sodalite

Lapis Lazuli, Malachite

I love the gem called lapis lazuli, but it is very expensive. I certainly cannot afford it within my budget. However, there is a similar stone called sodalite that is also pretty and is very close in nature to that of lapis. Although not quite as scarce, sodalite is not a common gem either.

Sodalite is member of the feldspathoid family. It is named after the sodium content within the gem. It was discovered in the early 1800’s in Greenland. However, most people were not impressed with the stone and it didn’t become commonly used in ornamentation until huge deposits of were found in Canada at the turn of the century. It took even longer for it to become a staple in the jewelry industry.

Sodalite is generally royal blue in color but it can also come in shades of gray, green, pink, purple and yellow. It is generally opaque, although some of it can be translucent in nature. It is common for it to look mottled with white calcite veins running throughout. Occasionally, it may even contain small amounts of pyrite, which is a common inclusion in lapis lazuli. This gives the gem a gold flecked appearance.

The sodalite deposits in Canada and Greenland have decreased significantly. Today, most of the sodalite that is being mined comes from Brazil.

Unfortunately, sodalite is relatively soft, ranking only six on the Mohs scale of hardness. Because it can be a bit soft and brittle, a lot of gem cutters and jewelers shy away from this particular gem.

Sodalite is never faceted. It is generally cut into cabochons of various shapes, but it is also used for constructing beads. Some jewelers even like using the gem for inlay work, matching it with contrasting gems like coral, malachite, onyx and more.

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Sodalite is perfect for brooches, pendants, necklaces, and earrings. It is less suited to jewelry items that are more likely to take a pounding, like rings and bracelets.

Because of its softness, great care must be taken in handling the gem for cutting, polishing, and setting as well as for cleaning and maintaining the stone. Sodalite is rarely prong set. Instead it is bezel set in order to give it as much support as possible.

Sodalite should be cleaned with nothing more than a damp soft cloth. It should be kept in a velvet or cloth pouch before storing it inside a jewelry box with other pieces.

Of all of the gemstones, sodalite may have the most metaphysical and healing properties attached to it. Psychics believe that the gem can facilitate natural intuition, ESP, and psychic abilities. They also call it the “grounding stone” because of its power to balance heart, mind, and soul.

Many believe that sodalite can clear the mind to allow its wearer to make objective and solid decisions. Additionally, it supposedly keeps people from repeating old patterns that might be keeping them in a rut or preventing them from achieving ultimate success. Sodalite also fosters a thirst for knowledge, learning proficiency, and natural wisdom while eliminating all fear and guilt.

Because of its beautiful blue color, sodalite is a calming stone that allows its wearer to meditate effectively to reach inner peace. Some use it in ornamentation in the home to increase peaceful Feng Shui. It is called the stone of trust by many and the stone of communication by others; supposedly allowing its wearer to make friends easily and keep the lines of communication open at all times, amongst various levels including at work and home.

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Sodalite’s healing properties are plentiful as well. It is supposedly helpful for thyroid conditions as well as anything that might be causing its wearer remain overweight. Many others claim that it can help disorders of the nervous system as well as any stomach disorders and other diseases that are stress induced. It supposedly cleanses organs, boosts the immune system, strengthens metabolism, and helps with insomnia.

This gem is the perfect stone for creative people in occupations such as artists, performers, newspaper and magazine editors, and writers. It is, in fact, considered to be a lucky stone for writers in general and creative writers in particular.

Because of its communicative powers, sodalite is an excellent talisman stone for negotiators, mediators, and politicians as well as psychologists, social workers, and the clergy. It is also considered the stone of athletics, making it a perfect talisman for anyone in that field.

Sodalite is the gemstone of the astrological signs of Aquarius and Sagittarius. It is, however, not an anniversary stone.

Those seeking to purchase lapis lazuli must take protection against being conned into purchasing the cheaper gem, sodalite. The easiest way to tell the two apart is to remember that lapis general contains golden flecks, while sodalite almost always contains white striations, sometimes with pyrite flecks.

Both stones are beautiful and should be treasured for their individual characteristics. However, no one should pay lapis prices for the less expensive sodalite.