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Ultimate Guide to Medical Poisons and Antidotes

Medicine Cabinets

Our medicine cabinets; a trove of dangers and deadly predicaments. But a necessary evil I’m afraid unless yours is filled with all natural remedies with herbs and oils. Traditionally every home has either generic or name brand medicines whether they are over the counter or prescription drugs in their medicine cabinet. But with every poisonous substance come great danger especially if you have children. Most people don’t know what to do if a person poisons themselves on these popular substances.

If you read the labels on the drugs you have they will say what not to do, like over dose. But, to a child or a special needs adult, those labels mean absolutely nothing at all. Those bottles also mention no antidotes or life saving measures to save the person affected except to call a poison control center. This means very little in a crisis situation. This article is designed to help educate families in what to do while waiting for emergency crews to arrive.

Ultimate Guide to Poisons and Antidotes: What’s in Your Home?

Acetaminophen is very popular for treating all sorts of aches and pains. It can come in the form of Tylenol, cold medicines, and many prescription drugs just to name a few. So, checking the bottle is always your best bet to find the primary ingredient involved in the consumption at hand. The victim usually experiences nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The antidotes are delivered by a series of shots with a counter-agent called N-acetylcysteine. Liver and kidney failure follow the symptoms and death is very likely. The antidotes to these poisons should be administered before 12 hours have passed to increase the chance of a recovery.

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Antihistamines are used by those who suffer from allergies. They can come in the form of pills and liquids. They are used in a variety of different medications. Fever, hallucinations, toxic psychosis, tremors and convulsions are likely felt if these poisons are overly taken. The only antidote is ipecac to induce vomiting.

Aspirin is another widely used pain killer. If poisons containing this product are overly consumed induce vomiting, a diuretic may also be used depending on the amounts taken.

Iodine is an antiseptic. If it is ingested the most common antidotes are milk followed by sodium thiosulfate.

Narcotics are used as both prescription and illegal drugs. These poisons are highly toxic and can be fatal. Until help arrives antidotes such as caffeine can be administered to keep the victim awake- if it is shortly after ingestion induce vomiting first.

Nitroglycerin is medication specifically geared to lower blood pressure. The poisons involved can cause headache, dizziness, coma and respiratory failure. Ipecac should be given, this ensures the person to throw up.

Ultimate Guide to Poisons and Antidotes: Conclusion

Many antidotes to the above and more poisons not named here include giving the affected person activated charcoal which absorbs the poisons in their digestive tract. The purpose of this article is to help educate and inform all those families that carry these common poisons for every day uses. As soon as it is discovered that a person has over dosed they should be taken to a hospital. If you are unable to call someone, these life saving measures can be taken until help can be reached.

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  • “The Poisons and Antidotes Sourcebook Second Edition by Carol Turkington