Karla News

Ulcerative Colitis Can Make Work Difficult and Embarrassing


I have a mild case of Ulcerative Colitis. As a result, I don’t have special needs as far as bowel maintenance. However, sometimes just getting through the day can be difficult.

The first thing that Ulcerative Colitis can take away is my concentration. Whether it is working alone or paying attention to someone else, if I am hurting or cramping, it is hard not to think of the way I am feeling. Cramping in particular destroys my ability to focus and sometimes it can get so severe that I must excuse myself. In my case cramping can get so bad that I sweat. Further, there is no time limit on the pain; it can go on for hours. In “normal” people, when then bowel spasms, it is moving waste. That is not always true for a person with Ulcerative Colitis. The bowel may just be irritated or inflamed and tender and reacting to the situation.

Another problem which often occurs is diarrhea. Of course, that means many trips back and forth to the restroom. That interferes with productivity and draws attention to me; after awhile it is very embarrassing.

While most of the time I am able to “tough through” the pain, I believe I probably miss more work than the average person because there are times that my symptoms are bad enough that I can’t go into the office. Attendance is very important to employers and Ulcerative Colitis is not conducive to stellar attendance.

It is important to keep in mind two things; first, I work in an office environment...I cannot imagine what physical labor would do to a person with this illness and, I have a mild case. There are people who have consistently severe symptoms that are much worse than mine and, in some cases, must deal with a colostomy (an alternate waste opening) and its attendant support; a colostomy bag.

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Probably the toughest thing I have had to deal with is when my bowel becomes “hyperactive”. This can lead to excessive emission of gas which can quickly permeate my working area. There is not time to get to the restroom so, it is possible that an odor surrounds me. This is not only embarrassing but distracting to co-workers. One is wise to get an air freshener, which I have had to do.

At my job, it is not always possible to get the kind of food I need to take care of myself properly. This can further exacerbate my symptoms.

For all the problems that Ulcerative Colitis causes at work, no problem affects me as often or as severely as depression. I feel different; I, at times, get tired of fighting; I long for relief, and, I am always hyper-aware of what my co-workers are thinking of me. I am often discouraged.

Ulcerative Colitis eats away at one’s nerves; it is persistent, and, I personally think that is what makes it such a formidable illness; it is relentless.

How do I try to cope at work? As I previously indicated, I use an air freshener. Further, since I do tend to miss work, when I am feeling pretty good, I work doubly hard. In an effort to be viewed in a positive way by both my boss and my co-workers, I will tend to volunteer for projects that others would prefer not to do. Finally, I don’t “over-eat” before going to work so as to avoid cramping.

I have a mild case of Ulcerative Colitis so most of my symptomology is a residual of the illness as opposed to “flares”. I had one severe flare-up and was out of work for two weeks.

See also  What Are the Different Types of Colostomies?

There are certainly things that I do to cope with this difficult illness, but, it still dramatically affects my life on a day to day basis as least as far as work is concerned. With this illness it is much harder to be in public than to be at home.