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Two Simple Card Tricks Revealed

Card Tricks

Many people seem to be able to do card tricks and they seem so hard to duplicate. These card tricks are not difficult at all. It is just that these people are graceful when handling these cards. These card tricks can be easily revealed and duplicated.

Card Trick Revealed 1: Is This Your Card?

This simple trick requires just one little bit of set up. The card deck is taken and prepared before the trick is performed. The bottom card is turned upside down so that it looks as if the top of the deck is showing no matter which way it is held. That’s all that is needed.

Another person is then approached. Fan out the cards and ask the person to “pick a card, any card.” The person will take a card. If the person insists on seeing the deck, palm the bottom card away so the deck looks completely normals. Just replace the bottom card once the deck is handed back.

Fold the deck back up and let it stay together. Ask the person to concentrate on the card so you can “read their mind” or “pick up on psychic waves” or whatever the extra part of the trick is. While you ask this, flip the deck so the bottom card is on the top. However, the deck will look the same as long as the cards are even and none of the faces are showing. Ask the person to slip the card into the deck.

Act as if you are concentrating on the deck. Do whatever you need to do to make the trick look authentic. You can hold the entire deck to your head or you can tap your finger on the deck. Find a time that you can flip the bottom card back or palm it away from the rest of the deck and hide it in clothing.

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Open up the deck of cards, but make sure that the other person does not see the cards in the deck or they will see that the cards have been flipped upside down. Thumb through the cards until you find the card that shows the back and pull it out of the deck. Produce it with a flair to hide that it was the opposite direction and ask, “Is this your card?”

Card trick revealed #2: Is This Your Card?

No set up is needed for this trick, but plenty of practice is needed. Practice holding a half deck to a deck of cards in your hand when your hand is raised near your eye. It needs to look as if all you can see is the side of your hand. However, when you push on the card, you need to be able to see at least the corner to tell the number and the suit of the card.

Go through the steps for asking a person to choose a card, adding any flair that you’d like. As the person holds the card, split the deck and hold part of it in your hand. Have the person place the card up against the other cards. Tell them that you need them to put their thumb print on the card, so to press in the center very hard. Of course, you’ve practiced being able to see the card’s suit and number, so when the person does this, you can see the card.

Put the rest of the deck on top of the card and shuffle the deck. Go through the deck carefully and then pull out the card that you saw and ask, “Is this your card?”