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Tricks for Trying to Conceive: How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Am I Pregnant

You’re trying to have a baby. I completely understand. Yea, I’m sure those little girls that pop out babies without even trying getting on your nerves. Again, totally understandable. “Oh, we forgot to use protection, and I’m going on Monday to get my pregnancy physicals done. Man, this totally sucks.” Yea…I’d like to wring her neck too. So we’re on the same page…correct? I do believe so.

Now where were we? You want to get pregnant. You want those little sperms to invade your eggs and begin a whole new chapter in your life. Besides being powdered with baby dust, there are a few things you can do to help your dreams of having a baby come true. If none of these tips work, then visiting a doctor is definitely in order to rule out any type of obstacle blocking you from turning your baby dreams into reality. This could be any number of things….perhaps polyps, scarring tissue from a LEEP procedure, bad Fallopians, even excessive weight.

To begin with the first thing, you must, obviously, stop taking birth control. No more. Put it away, have it removed. Do whatever you have to do to get that thing out of your body. If you’ve been on the shot that lasts a long time, don’t expect to get pregnant right away. It takes 6 months up to a year to get all that extra hormones out of your body. If you’re on birth control, you can be fertile after a month or so. Let those Johnny hats collect dust, and start having some fun in the bedroom.

As much as you may HATE to hear this (and I know you are going to hate it SO much, trust me…), you have to try to forget that you’re wanting to have a child. I know. I know exactly what you’re thinking. But this is the thing: If you’re anticipating on a pregnancy, you can actually fool your body by subconsciously creating stress within it, which will delay the release of the eggs from your Fallopian tubes. I know first hand…I wanted to have a baby so badly; my husband and I tried so much. Then my menstruation was two weeks late. Am I pregnant? Am I not? I wanted to have a pregnancy test done every day it seemed, even though I already had two negative blood tests that said the results were negative! How could this be? When my menstruation finally came, I realized that it was because I was putting unnecessary stress on my body. When you have sex with your husband, make it a fun thing. Use toys, costumes, whips, lotions, massages, naughty coupons, dirty music. Do whatever you have to do to make it enjoyable. Having sex just to have babies isn’t fun. It’s more like a chore that you absolutely hate. And forget about those little girls that have babies all randomly just because they didn’t use a condom once. We’re trying to kick that stupid age-old, tried and true theory that the more you want something, the harder it will be to obtain. Buy something sexy! Boost your libido! Get those baby-making juices going! Let’s have wild, care-free sex like these little, naïve girls do and watch the babies happen!

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Now, while you’re having fun trying for the babies, it’s extremely important to take your multi-vitamins. I highly recommend taking Pre-Natal vitamins. You can get these at Wal-Mart. When you get your Pre-Natals, these usually don’t have enough calcium for you, so pick up a large supply of calcium while you’re at it. Why? Well, when you have a baby, that little thing will suck up so many nutrients from you, especially your calcium. And later on in life, you’ll be suffering from bone problems that you could have prevented. Folic Acid in the Pre-Natal vitamins is of extreme importance as well because it decreases the risks of birth defects in babies.

What I’m going to say next is pretty obvious, but I know that deep down inside, you know I’m right. If you’re a big drinker, if you’re doing any kind of drugs, or if you smoke, now is the time to stop. I say that like it’s some kind of easy task, don’t I? I do realize that it’s not, but smoking, drugs and drinking can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, and your fertility can be directly affected by lessening the number of sperm in your husband’s baby making-sacks. In fact, just smelling cigarettes without actually smoking them can have the same effect on your body. Just stop doing these things. Do what you can to avoid it and completely stop. You want to be a great influence on this little angel you are going to bring to Earth…so think about this next time you pull out that lighter and that cigarette pack.

So are you one of those women who wear black leather boots and expensive scarves as you stride down to the nearest Starbucks? Well, you probably aren’t fitting into the Starbucks stereotype, but chances are, you probably love coffee. I know I do. Well, there’s bad news for us, ladies. We can’t be drinking too much coffee if we’re trying to have a baby. Why? Well, the caffeine in coffee will actually make it harder for the body to absorb the iron we intake, therefore leading to stillbirths. So it’s not just coffee we have to avoid, but anything with caffeine. Good bye, Starbucks! (For now at least…can’t give that stuff up forever!)

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Earlier in this article, we mentioned your weight. Your weight is a huge factor when you’re trying to have children. Studies have shown that women who are over their ‘healthy range’ have a harder time having children. If you have a Body Mass Index less than 20 and more than 30, getting pregnant is a much harder task. There’s a lot of unnecessary physical stress on your body. So it’s best to try to get in shape, at least begin by eating healthier and doing some kind of physical activity, even if it’s just walking. To help you lose weight, you can make an account at www.FitDay.com, which is great for tracking your calories and activities. I know this is one of those things that are easier said (or written) than done, and I’m still struggling with this myself, but in order to have a baby, your body should be in a healthy state.

You may hear by everyone that you need to track your cycle, see what days you are fertile, and things like that. This will actually delay everything for you because of what we already mentioned above: stress. To find out when you are going to be fertile, however, you can go to this site: http://www.babycenter.com/calculators/ovulation/, and enter your information, and see a range of days that are prime for making babies. When you get this information, don’t follow it like it’s some kind of religion. If you’re anything like me, you bust out your calendar and a pen and start marking days on the calendar and live and breathe by that. This is a no-no. Just kind of keep an idea in mind as to when you might be the most fertile, and when you should be having the most extra fun in the bedroom. People will tell you that when you’re least thinking about having a baby, you’ll pop out with one. This always, always got on my nerves when people told me, but you know what? It’s so true.

Now this is a fun tip of baby-making: The positions. The best positions to have sex are those that involve the sperm being directly deposited in/around your cervix. And it’s best to also have an orgasm after your husband ejaculates inside you. Why? Because when you orgasm, spasms happen in your cervical area, which forces the cervix into the pool of semen, and increases the chances for more sperm to enter your uterus. The missionary position is probably the best position for having sex, and doggy-style is a close second. If you want to help lead the sperm into your cervix, you can put a pillow underneath your bottom while doing the missionary position to elevate your hips. And after having sex, it’s best to wait thirty minutes in bed to give the sperm a chance to travel upward. This is actually pretty important.

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You should understand that keeping your vagina healthy is extremely important in order to have babies. Avoid anything that would irritate the natural processes of your vagina. Stay away from douches, vaginal sprays, and artificial lubricants. If you’re the type of person who is kind of ‘dry’ down south, you can purchase a lubricant known a Pre-Seed. Pre-Seed is a lubricant that allows the sperm to live. It’s a formula made that’s comparable t semen, so it works well together in the vagina.

And now, your man can’t get away scot-free in all of this. Make sure he wears boxers instead of tightey-whiteys. Too much heat down there can kill the sperm in his sacks. Make sure he also avoids caffeine, and any drug intake…especially marijuana. These things can definitely lower sperm count. Also, tell your husband that you’d like to have sex in the mornings, because in the mornings, when he first wakes up, is when his sperm count is the highest.

So having a baby is kind of hard. I hear you. The main tip I can tell you is to have fun and be healthy. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: Not having baby on the mind can do wonders for your body. I know you probably already have a baby registry at Toys R Us ready. I know you probably bought a few booties or baby bottles already. I know, even if you think you might be crazy! You’re definitely not crazy. If these things help motivate you to work for the baby, then that’s awesome. But remember, don’t make having a baby a chore, and don’t make it the focal point of your entire existence. Your future baby depends on it.