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Top Ten Oingo Boingo Songs

Oingo Boingo, a New Wave band, was originally formed as Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo in the early 70’s. They have now been defunct since 1995. Danny Elfman, leader of the pack, is a very successful film composer. You’ve probably heard of him – if not, you’ve undoubtedly heard his work.

Oingo Boingo is kind of a tradition in my family. When I was very young (I was born in 1983), I remember listening to Oingo Boingo with my favorite uncle. I vividly remember sitting in his car and looking at his cassette tape covers. The Oingo Boingo sleeves have always stuck in my mind. I was mesmerized by the partying skeletons of Dead Man’s Party. Ever since those early encounters, I have been an avid fan of the music and Elfman himself. My grandmother keeps Oingo Boingo CD’s in her car. My aunt often reminisces about how embarrassing it was to drive with my uncle blasting the song “Insects” and singing along. All of my cousins know all of the Oingo Boingo songs. Just imagine driving along with 5 kids, ranging in ages from 3 to 12, all singing along to “Nasty Habits.” Maybe we’re a weird family, but at least I’m well qualified to give you this list! Here are the Top Ten Oingo Boingo songs in no particular order, and my thoughts.

1. Good For Your Soul – This is the title track of the album. Part of the chorus is: “Just once or twice is good for your soul, if you don’t stop you’ll lose control.” Seems like pretty obvious advice, but I find myself singing it in my head to remind myself that moderation is key. I think this is one of their pretty songs, and it’s my grandma’s favorite.

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2. Little Girls – A top ten list of Oingo Boingo songs would be incomplete without this song. It is absolutely necessary to list here. It’s catchy, it’s fun, and it’s incredibly weird and shocking -which makes it even more fun.

3. Dead Man’s Party – Uh oh, another “must list” song. This is the title track of the album, and a well known song. Maybe not as well-known as “Weird Science,” but it’s definitely much more deserving.

4. Just Another Day – The lyrics of this song tell a dark and beautiful story. In fact, I used the lyrics for a poetry reading in my high school drama class. Wasn’t the first time I had used an Oingo Boingo song in school. In 8th grade, I played “Cry of the Vatos” as the song that most closely matched my personality.

5. Out Of Control – From the Dark End Of The Tunnel album, released in the early 90’s. This song is different. It’s serious and emotional, and lays it on thick. In fact, it’s kind of cheesy. But this song has helped me through some sad times…

6. We Close Our Eyes – The best song off of BOI-NGO. Actually, I think this may be my favorite. It’s so hard to choose, and I’ve always been partial to “Good For Your Soul,” but… it’s so good. So 80’s, and yet so beautiful. I don’t understand it, either.

7. Grey Matter – I didn’t like this song for the longest time, but it has somehow managed to infect me somewhere along the way. It’s got cool lyrics, and I can’t stop myself from dancing (horribly) when I hear it.

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8. Private Life – I love the lyrics of this song. They’re very interesting, and I like the imagery. All about feeling like an outcast and being lonely, but wanting to be rescued. Surely we can all relate to that on some level.

9. Nasty Habits – This song is dirty, fun, and absolutely true of everyone.

10. Stay – Last but not least, this is another song that I think is pretty. It can be repetitive, but the chorus is so awesome. It’s also pretty romantic. “Go, don’t you go-o-oh, won’t you stay with me one more day – if we get through, one more night, if we get through, one more night…” It’s perfect with the music, I swear.

