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Top Ten Gifts for the Pregnant Woman

Feeling Sexy, Loungewear

Typically, pregnant women get plenty of gifts…for the baby. Why forget about her? What does she need? What does she really want? You may not be able to offer her a miracle cure for stretch marks, but here are ten ideas sure to please the mama!

  1. A good body pillow: Every pregnant woman knows that sleep is a much needed and much desired part of pregnancy. However, as pregnancy progresses, the ability to sleep comfortably considerably decreases. A good body pillow helps cushion the pregnant woman’s entire body, making it much easier to get comfortable. Body pillows range from $10-$40, but purchase a pillow case as well….most people do not have that size case hanging around in their closet! 


  1. Massage gift certificate: Pregnancy brings aches and pains. That’s a fact of life. A massage can not only help her de-stress, but can also easy the aches and pains by relaxing the muscles that are causing the pain. Some spas specialize in massages for the pregnant lady. You can search for a spa in your area easily online. (link located at bottom of article.) 


  1. Dinner: Most pregnant woman don’t enjoy cooking. Either they feel nauseous when cooking or they just simply don’t have the energy to cook. Treating a pregnant woman to a homemade dinner or take out from a nice restaurant (including some yummy dessert) will make her week! 


  1. Funny reading material: Light hearted reading material can help the pregnant woman gain a funny perspective on the time of life she is experiencing. Books such as Belly Laughs and Baby Laughs by Jenny McCarthy and The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Lovine are some favorites. 
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  1. A good journal/calendar: There are many journals/calendars made especially for the expectant mother. When I was pregnant with my first, I received the “What to Expect” calendar. I loved that calendar because it was easy to write on and didn’t take up a lot of space. Another option is buying a “pre-made” scrapbook. You can find these at your local craft store. They are usually small scrapbooks with already decorated pages ready to write in, as well as space for pictures. This will make it easy to insert pictures of her during the pregnancy. You could even include a gift card to get pictures developed at the local photo lab. 


  1. Comfy pajamas/loungewear: During pregnancy, any cute pajamas you had pre-pregnancy usually stop fitting pretty quickly. Instead of having to opt for her man’s huge t-shirts, the mommy-to-be will love cute pajamas that help keep her feeling sexy. Search “maternity pajamas” to find a great online selection of pajamas.
  2. Comfortable shoes: Many expectant mothers experience swelling in their feet. This can make finding shoes that fit nearly impossible. A gift certificate to a good shoe store would probably be most convenient. When my sister was pregnant, Crocs were the only shoes she could wear for months. If you want to buy shoes, try these. They cost about $35.00 and are super comfortable. (Come in all sorts of cool colors as well!) 


  1. Track/athletic pants: Because these are made of stretchy material, these can often be worn by the pregnant woman both during her pregnancy as well as after the birth of her baby. Buy these non-maternity and she’ll love being able to fit into “non-pregnant” pants as soon as her little one arrives! My sister and I both lived in these sorts of pants at home when pregnant. They come in adorable colors and styles to suit all tastes. 
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  1. A birthing ball: A birth ball is a large, inflatable ball that women often use to ease the pain experienced during labor. However, it is also useful to alleviate the aches and pains that come during pregnancy. A good birthing ball is comfortable to sit on even when relaxing in front of the tv at night and can be used to do exercises to help prepare for labor. After she has the baby, she can use the ball for pilates! 


  1. Belly Butter: A good body butter especially made for the expectant belly is comfortable and nourishing for that stretching skin. 


Of course, if you do happen upon a miracle cure for stretch marks or sleepless nights, forget everything I’ve said…you have found the perfect gift!

