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Top Ten Gifts for New Moms

New Moms

I’m a new mom, and I feel like my life has changed forever. For all of the new moms on your gift list, here are some great gift ideas to fit all price ranges.

1. Gift Cards for Clothing Stores
Many new moms find that, even after they get back to their original weight, their body shape has changed and their old clothes just don’t fit the same. Even as I am starting to get closer to my original size, I am feeling like I need a whole new wardrobe, because nothing fits the way it used to. A gift card to a clothing store will allow the new mom to shop for clothes when she decides the time is right, and get the size and style she now fits best in.

2. Spa Package
Now that her days are filled with feedings and pampers, every new mom can use some pampering herself! Buy her a gift certificate to a local spa for a massage, facial, manicure, or pedicure, and she will love you forever!

3. Postnatal Workout DVDs
This is really a neat idea, since most new moms feel the pressing need to get their pre-baby body back. The concept of postnatal workout DVDs is that they are designed to work the parts of the body that need toning after having a baby, and they are designed to be done with the baby. This provides great bonding time for mom and baby, and is a great way for mom to burn some calories. You can find a couple of good ones at http://infantastic.com You can also check out Amazon.com, and just type in the word “postnatal.”

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4. A Night (or weekend) Out!
Put together a package that will be everything Mom needs for a night out. Include a gift certificate for dinner, another for the movies, and maybe even something like Ben and Jerry’s or Baskin Robbins for a quick dessert afterwards. If you have babysat for this mom before, you can also include a little note saying that you will babysit for free that night.
Or, if you are VERY close to this mom and know that she will feel comfortable leaving the baby for a longer period of time (perhaps grandparents could give this gift), you could give a gift certificate for a night or two to stay in a hotel. Pick a large chain hotel, so that they can choose to stay anywhere. Even if they cannot get away on a real vacation, just staying in a hotel nearby can be a nice change and romantic. Plus, the full night of uninterrupted sleep will be GREATLY appreciated.

5. Dinner
This may seem like a strange thought, but there are many different ways that you can give dinner. Since having our son, my husband and I have really grown to appreciate having delicious meals together. At the same time, cooking these delicious meals takes a lot of time and energy that I do not always have.
If you are going the cheaper route and you know the mom fairly well, you can give a homemade certificate for dinner home cooked by you. You could also give a gift certificate to a service that delivers catering-style meals, or to a restaurant. Restaurants that deliver are always a good idea, but restaurants in general are pretty much just great.

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6. A Parenting Magazine Subscription
I never thought that I would be the type of person to enjoy these magazines, but since coming home with my baby, I have found that the articles are good quick reading, and have all kinds of good advice and ideas. There are lots of different ones out there, for all kinds of specificities. Working Mom, American Baby, Parenting, etc. A year long subscription is not really that expensive, and will remind this new mom that you care all year round.

7. Premium Food Basket
Now, when I am talking about food baskets, I do not mean those typical things that you order from a catalog. A homemade basket of Mom’s favorites is a much better idea. When you become a mom, it is easy to forgo spending money on yourself because of all the things that you need or want to buy for the baby. If mom likes dark chocolate- give a bag of Dove Dark Chocolate Promises. If she likes Pinot Grigio, include a good bottle. If she’s a cheese person, consider a block of a rich cheese like Asiago cheese. You can also include gourmet coffee or hot chocolate. If this mom is someone you know well, you can probably come up with a large list of special foods that can be considered luxury items.

8. A Gift Subscription to Netflix
With a baby, it’s hard for Mom and Dad to get out to the movies; however, babies often go to bed early, leaving time for quality time at home to watch movies. A subscription to a DVD service like Netflix is great because you never have to go to the rental store, but there is always a movie there to watch, and there are no due dates- in case it takes a couple of weeks to get time to watch it. Netflix is good for this, or you can also try Blockbuster.com, which has a similar program.

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9. Coffee
Sleepless nights and active days lead to a tired Mom! Plus, after nine months of avoiding caffeine, a new mom really appreciates her coffee. There are a couple of different ways to give coffee as a gift. If this new mom is a coffeemaker at home kind of person, then a bag of gourmet coffee is a great idea. If she’s the type to order a specialty latte, consider a gift card to Starbucks or Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Of course, before giving coffee as a gift, check to see that she if she is still nursing, and if so, if she is avoiding caffeine. Some moms avoid any caffeine while they are nursing, while others do not mind.

10. A Good Pocket Calendar
Ever since I became a mom, my schedule has filled up quickly- even weeks in advance. There are weekly mommy-and-me classes, doctor’s appointments, play dates, and more. Carrying your schedule around is great for writing down important dates and times, as well as the doctor’s phone number, and other important information. Having a purse sized calendar is must!