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Top Ten Gift Ideas for the Office Worker

Balancing Life

Nine to five is a thing of the past, it is more like eight to seven and the stress that office workers feel has made the stress of the past a vacation in comparison. People are overworked and underpaid, so it is important that as a gift giver you find ways to alleviate some of this stress. Below are ten great gifts that the office worker in your life will enjoy:

1) MP3 Player with speakers- The days can be long and when sitting in their cubicles or offices it can get very quiet. MP3 players allow for your office worker to play whatever music they enjoy to get through the day. If works need to be done quickly, your office worker can use their MP3 player to play inspiring music, or maybe some hard rock to get them going. If the stress levels start to get to be too much, then the music can be changed to a more mellow tone to help relax the worker and allow for more opportune efficiency.

2) Personal Coffee Maker- Coffee shipped from Seattle can start to get quite expensive and those lines can be a killer on the punctual worker. They make all kinds of personal coffee machines, some that brew right into a travel mug that will keep their coffee cold all day.

3) Lunch Cooler- Even $5 a day in lunch which is conservative in nature still adds up to $100 a month, and $1200 a year. Unless your office worker is a high paid executive that is a steep lunch tab. When you buy a cooler for your worker, it will instigate them to start bringing their lunches and saving them money they could use to buy you a great gift over the holidays.

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4) Painting or Motivational Poster- Walls in offices are not exactly something a person wants to spend most of their week staring at so give them a spark. Buy a painting they enjoy or a copy of a painting if that would be more suitable for your wallet/purse. In addition motivational posters are great for giving your worker a kick of adrenalin when those tough days are beaten them down.

5) Motivational CD’s- Most office workers are always looking to get ahead, either in their line of work or in other avenues of their financial outlook. There are thousands of choices to choose from of course, but sticking to the regulars will guarantee success. Some choices for the novice would include CD’s from Anthony Robbins, Stephen Pierce, and Mike Litman. These speakers will light a fire under your office worker to climb that ladder of success.

6) Motivational Books- Most offices still give people a lunch, maybe not the classic hour of the past, but still at least enough time to catch a bite and have thirty minutes to relax before heading back to the grind. This is a perfect time to grab a motivational book, to keep your office worker motivated through the rest of the day on a high note. Once again, the choices are endless, but there are certainly some classics, and a few new ones that need to be on everyone’s success list. Choices include: Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, Unlimited Power, by Anthony Robbins, or a modern classic The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, by Stephen Covey. These three will be a great start in helping your office worker get the edge over the competition.

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7) Foot Massager- Even though your office worker is sitting a great deal of the time, their feet can still get a great deal of abuse. A great way to help both the abuse the feet take, and help the blood flow correctly would be to grab a small under the desk massager. There are hundreds of choices to choose from, but there are a few things you should look for when choosing a model. Make sure it is quiet, because otherwise the other workers would get annoyed and end the foot massage dreams. In addition make sure it is small enough to fit under a desk and not cause any obstacles for the worker.

8) Personalized Calendar- The office worker sometimes needs reminding of what they are working for so a calendar with pictures of the family can really brighten the day. The company shutterbug on the net will take any twelve pictures, and for a small fee will put them together for you into a calendar to give as a gift.

9) Organizer- Balancing life with work is a priority for all office workers but sometimes the lines can get blurred. In order to help them do this get them an organizer either electronic like a PDA or simply something from an office store that can be carried with them wherever they go. These will a great way to get your office worker to remember to phone number and birthday too.

10) Wireless Keyboard and Mouse- This may seem like a weird idea but trust in the fact that being in a small room or cubicle for forty plus hours a week can seem somewhat confining and having some wireless capabilities opens up the whole space.

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Office workers in general feel undervalued, underpaid, and over worked so get out there and get them something they will appreciate and make them happy, they deserve it!