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Top Ten Gift Ideas for a Three-Year-Old Boy

Ride on Toys

Shopping for a three-year-old boy can be a bit tricky. They are on the border between babyhood and childhood, and their tastes can change dramatically over the course of just one day. Some gifts may end up being deemed too babyish for them, while others, even though rated in the correct age range, may be too challenging. The best bet is to stick with tried and true toys that they can use for several years at different levels of play.

1. Child-sized outdoor tools: Many children this age love to feel like they are doing “Mommy and Daddy jobs”. Depending on their interest, you could get them a child-sized snow shovel, wheelbarrow, lawnmower, or rake. Hey, they may even help you out when it’s time to do your outdoor chores.

2. A toy tool set: Another big person job that captivates young hearts is working with tools. You can go to a major toy store and find many sets of plastic tools with realistic sounds that your child will love. If your child is really into using them though, like mine is, you may want to invest in some sturdier accessories to go along with your set. See the resources list for websites that offer more realistic versions of adult tools.

3. A sled: If your child lives where there is snow, a sled is a fantastic gift. Get one that allows the parent to pull the child easily, since kids this age tend to tire out quickly. A sled can be used for traditional purposes like sliding down hills, but many kids also like to pull it along behind them, giving a younger sibling or toy a ride.

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4. Ride-on toys: Keeping with the theme of imitating adults, these toys make great gifts that stimulates the imagination and a child’s sense of independence. The look on their face when they discover they have their own bike or car is priceless. Ride-on toys get more use than anything else in our house, the kids use them both indoors and out. You can choose anything from the classic tricycle to a ride-on rocket.

5. Playmobil: My son loves these toys. You can get all different types of sets, from pirates to dinosaurs, and they all work together. Great for acting out stories and ideas, plus they travel well. And they’re just so darn neat. I wish I had them when I was a kid!

6. Matchbox cars: Every boy has to have at least a few Matchbox Cars. Like Playmobil toys they travel easily, slipping into a pocket or backpack and they can keep the kids busy for hours. They also make great stocking stuffers. Throw in a toy garage for the cars to live in, and you’ve got a great gift that’ll interest them for years.

7. Child-sized table and chairs: Sure they can sit in adult chairs, but it’s more fun to have your own to play school with your teddy bears, eat your snacks at, and color pictures on.

8. Bob the Builder stuff: Many three year olds love this show because of its emphasis on building things and construction machines. You can purchase all sorts of Bob merchandise from DVDs to plastic Bob dolls and machines. Makes a great accompaniment to the tool gift if your child is into construction.

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9. Boy dress up clothes: It’s easy to find the girly dress-up stuff, for boys you may have to work a bit harder. Capes, wizard hats, and sword and shield sets are perennial boy dress up favorites.

10. A doll. Yes boys can and should have dolls. Especially if they have a sister who is into dolls, they may really enjoy the opportunity to have their own. You may be surprised at how nurturing your boy can be to a doll, and it’s great for encouraging them to develop their sentimental side.
