Articles for tag: Baby Lotion, Bob the Builder, Orajel, Teething Pain, Thomas the Train

Karla News

How to Make a Baby Shower Gift Basket

I love going to baby shower parties and shopping for gifts. All the cute teeny tiny newborn infant clothes and fuzzy little blankets are fun to look at and “ooh and aah” over. Then I look at the price tag of these adorable newborn goodies and realize I can make a baby shower gift basket ...

Karla News

Frontier City: Wild West Fun in Oklahoma

Summer is here and more people want to go out and enjoy the sun. However, people have also become more attentive to what they are spending these days. They want to have entertainment that is cost effective, yet still fun. I have been confronted with this same dilemma as summer begins to start. I live ...

Karla News

Review of PBS KIDS Sprout

It’s 2:30am. Do you know where your toddler is? If he’s sick and up in the middle of the night, he just might be watching programming on PBS KIDS Sprout. PBS KIDS Sprout is the only 24 hour a day television station dedicated to programming for 2 to 5 year-olds. PBS KIDS Sprout is a ...

Karla News

PBS’ “Kids Sprout” to Launch Live Interactive Preschool Show

PBS Kids Sprout launched as a 24-hour, preschool related television network in September of 2005. Previously only available to viewers as an On Demand series of preschool shows, the launch generated wide spread excitement due to the educational nature of the networks lineups and show choices. Now, PBS Kids Sprout is taking television preschool to ...