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Top Ten Gift Ideas for a 3-6 Month Old Baby


Babies can be tricky little creatures to shop for. Especially at 3-6 months old when they are constantly changing develomentally. This guide will help you choose necessary items for babies at this stage.

1. Bumbo Seat: This fairly new product has won countless awards and has definitely earned each one. Many babies at this stage want to be sitting in an upright position constantly. This innovative seat is designed to allow your little one to sit up supported, while not in your lap. The seats are made of formed foam and they are designed to be sat in without straps. They come in a wide variety of colors.

2. Car Seat Toy-Safari Mobile by Genius Babies: Anyone who has driven more than 2 minutes with a screaming baby knows the value of this toy. It is specifically designed for rear facing car seats and hooks in to the backseat. The toys spinning above your child will amuse her for the remainder of the ride and may even help her drift of to sleep.

3. Excersaucer-Fisher Price Step & Play Piano: This is toy is gauranteed to occupy even the shortest of attention spans. With a mobile seat that allows your child to “walk” to either end, a giant piano at the bottom and tons of songs and settings this toy will definitely be a hit. Reaching for the microphone rattles, drum sound maker and piano on top will excite almost every 3-6 month old.

4. Play Mirror: Babies at this age love to stare at faces, especially their own! Attach this to your infant’s crib and you will get an extra 20 minutes of sleep. Buy one that plays music and you may even get 30 minutes.

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5. Baby Einstein Videos: Your 3-6 month old will love these videos for many months to come. The scenes on these videos are mostly of objects in motion to music. Baby Mozart plays classical music while Baby Einstien has nursery rhymes in 5+ languages.

6. Activity Mat-Ocean Wonders by Fisher Price: Enhance your babies hand eye coordination with the hanging ocean toys. This colorful mat will help your baby learn to love tummy time while increasing their back/neck strength

7. Teething Rings: This is a must have for any baby at this stage since they now have the coordination to hold the ring in their mouth. Let the teething begin….

8. Disney Sleepy Wonderland Crib Attachment: Soothe even the fussiest baby to sleep with this crib attachment. This toy projects Disney Images around the room while playing 5 different soothing lullabies.

9. Plush Rattles: There is no need to picky with this classic toy. Any soft rattle will do but, look for bright colors and smaller sizes to fit in your little one’s palm.

10. The Baby Whisperer By Tracey Hogg: Okay so this gift isn’t just for babies, it helps Mom out a little bit too. This book will help you get your baby on a much needed and predictible routine, Based on the E.A.S.Y. method, Eat, Activity, Sleep and You-time!!
