Articles for tag: Classic Toys, Little Tykes, Toddler Gifts, Toddler Toys

Karla News

Top Ten Gifts Every Toddler Should Have

On the move….how else can you best describe a toddler? Gifts for a toddler should be engaging, active, and satisfying to their innate curiosity. As the mother of a toddler, and long time child-care professional, these are the top 10 gifts I have found for any toddler.       A tunnel. Toddlers love exploring. ...

Karla News

Best Train Sets for Kids 2010

The best train sets for kids 2010 include what parents (and their children) most love – classic toys that make creativity fun. Interestingly enough this is a market that has not been affected much by technology – the same types of kids train sets that have been popular over the years still are the top ...

Karla News

Toys for Toddlers

I am the mom of a very active 18-month-old little boy, who admittedly has had the opportunity to play with far too many toys. Despite having a house full of practically every variety of age appropriate toy he always seems to resort back to a few favorites. He plays with all of his toys at ...

Karla News

Hottest Gifts for Girls Age 8 to 12

What do girl’s want for Christmas? Those sugar and spice days are over! With that said, buying for the pre-teen set can be a challenge. If you are lost, don’t worry. You have time and there are lots of great choices for all the tween divas and adventurers on your list. Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster ...

Where to Find Vintage Clothing Shops in Madison, Wisconsin

For the thrifty and curious shopper, vintage shopping can offer an easy retreat to an era gone by. From unique to funky styles, the vintage boutiques in Madison, Wisconsin offer a variety of styles, fabrics, and antique accessories to match. Don’t let the sequined handbag or Victorian jewelry pass you by; as you swing by ...