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Top Five Playground Games that Should Be Adult Recreational Leagues


After recently writing an article about what a hot sport adult kickball has become, I started wondering if maybe people have missed the boat on some of the other popular playground games that could easily be turned into adult recreational leagues.

Kickball, the fun and easy playground sport of our youth, has become one of the most popular recreational sports for young adults worldwide. I think the appeal of the sport lies partly in nostalgia and partly in the fact that kickball is a friendly game that almost anyone can play.

Here are five more playground games that could just possibly be the next recreational sport to take the world by storm:


Napoleon Dynamite dreamed of being the greatest tetherball champion in the world. If there were adult tetherball leagues, his dream could easily become a reality. Players could form teams and face off with one or more opposing teams each week until the top scoring teams battle for the grand championship at the end of the season. For added fun and hilarity, the game could be played “cup in hand” like some kickball leagues, limiting the players to only one free hand and wobbly reflexes.

Four Square

This playground game is played with the same red rubber ball as kickball and requires a hard level surface and a large square divided into four numbered quarters. Players bounce the ball around the square, trying to eliminate their opponents by forcing them to let the ball bounce twice in their square. This game could be played by teams or individuals, with the winner determined by the last player left standing.

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Kick the Can

What playground game is like hide and seek and tag rolled into one? Kick the can, of course. In this old playground game, one team hides while the other team tries to find them. As each hiding player is caught, he or she is placed in jail. When the finding team manages to catch all the hiders, they win. But there is a catch. If one of the hiders can manage to run into plain sight and kick the can without being caught, then one of their jailed teammates gets to go free. Teams could compete to determine which side can catch all their opponents in the fastest time, with the season’s champion being the team with the best overall times.

Red Rover

In elementary school, Red Rover could get a little brutal if the opposing team had a couple of kids who had been held back a year. As an adult recreational sport, the game could get as rowdy as rugby if it were taken to the extreme. For good fun, a co-ed league would be a better choice with handholds only.

Capture the Flag

Two teams face off in a contest to see who can be the first to capture their opponent’s flag and return it to their own base without being caught. This could be a fun playground game to adapt to a single event, or played weekly teams could battle for supremacy by playing timed matches and working toward the best overall times.

More by Tavia:

Adult Kickball Leagues Are Hot Summer Fun
Stunt Kites Are Fun and Easier Than You Think
Shooting Free Throws to Lose Weight

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Tavia worked as a naturalist and recreation specialist at an Oklahoma lake during her college years. She enjoys using what she learned as an outdoor educator in her work with children today.