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Top Five Movies Starring Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba has made a number of films since the start of her career. Some of these films are admittedly bad or somewhat cheesy. Nonetheless, as her fan base grew and her acting chops were honed she took on better and better roles. Listed here are five of her best films to date.

Sin City (2005) Rated: R

Sin City is an edgy, special-effects packed film that is based on some of Frank Miller’s graphic novels. The movie is set in Basin (Sin) City where murder, mayhem and overt sexuality are the norm. Jessica Alba appears in the film as a young woman named Nancy. Nancy is rescued from some kidnappers when she is a little girl, by a cop played by Bruce Willis. She falls in love with him as a young woman. The special effects really make this movie stand out. Gritty scenes gave it the look and feel of the graphic novels it was based on.

Fantastic Four (2005) Rated PG-13

Fantastic Four is a film adaptation of the Fantastic Four comics. In the movie, four friends get together to investigate a radioactive cloud that is passing over the Earth’s atmosphere. While viewing the cloud from a space station, the foursome becomes radiated, along with Dr. Doom. Each of them winds up with superpowers. Jessica Alba plays Susan Storm, or the Invisible Girl. The movie is a quite good take on the Marvel comics of the same name. It was funny, action-filled and even had a bit of romance.

The Eye (2008) Rated: PG-13

The Eye is the story of a blind violinist, Sydney Wells who is played by Jessica Alba. Sydney has a cornea transplant to correct her vision. All seems well until she starts having disturbing visions. She sets out to discover who the previous owner of the corneas was, in hopes of discovering what is happening to her. Despite the seemingly mundane plot, The Eye is actually pretty good. It is a thrilling movie with a creepy atmosphere. Jessica Alba also played her part relatively well.

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Good Luck Chuck (2007) Rated: R

Good Luck Chuck is a romantic comedy starring Jessica Alba and Dane Cook. Dane’s character, Charlie is very unlucky in love and he is hoping to change that. He begins dating Cam, played by Jessica Alba, but he is afraid to sleep with her. Charlie believes that she will fall in love with the next man she meets if she sleeps with him. The movie gets really funny as poor Charlie tries not to sleep with Jessica Alba’s character, who he is falling in love with. Jessica Alba’s character is also clumsy and silly, which adds to the humor.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) Rated: PG-13

Rise of the Silver Surfer is the sequel to Fantastic Four. At the beginning of the movie, Susan Storm is eager to plan her wedding with Mr. Fantastic. However, Mr. Fantastic is distracted by something like a comet that is plummeting toward Earth. It turns out that the “comet” is actually the Silver Surfer, an alien bent on destroying Earth. The special effects in this movie are even better than the first. The plot is also more engaging.