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Top 5 Jennifer Lopez Movies

Michael Vartan

Jennifer Lopez, also known as J-Lo, is well known for her acting and music career. A native of the Bronx, she has been in more than twenty movies. Let’s take a look at my five favorite movies starring J-Lo. They are, in order from my least favorite to my very favorite, Jack, Shall We Dance, Maid in Manhattan, Monster-in-Law, and The Wedding Planner.


Jack was released in the United States on August 9, 1996 starring Robin Williams. It is about a fifth grade boy who has a rare disorder that ages his body four times quicker than a normal person. So he is ten years old but looks to be about forty. The movie looks at the struggles of Jack attending the fifth grade at school. Jennifer Lopez plays the part of his teacher, Miss Marquez. I enjoyed this movie because it had a lot of humor in it and made me laugh.

Shall We Dance

Shall We Dance hit the screens on October 15, 2004. A man named John (played by Richard Gere) was bored with his every day normal life until one day he saw a beautiful dance instructor and decided to take some lessons. However his instructor ends up being an older woman instead. When he finally meets the beautiful instructor Paulina (Jennifer Lopez), she is struck by his growing passion for dancing. John keeps this a secret from his wife Beverly (Susan Sarandon) and she becomes suspicious that he is having an affair, until the end when he realizes his real passion is his wife. I enjoyed the romance of this movie and the way it made me want to get up and dance.

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Maid in Manhattan

Maid in Manhattan was released on December 13, 2002. J-Lo plays Marissa Ventura, a hard working mother from the Bronx who is a maid at a high class hotel in Manhattan. Christopher Marshall, played by Ralph Fiennes, is a candidate for Senate staying at the hotel, and believes she is also a guest. The two take a liking to each other, until he finds out she is just a maid and causes trouble for his campaign. In the end, love wins in a Cinderella story kind of way, which is why I liked this movie.


Monster-in-Law came out on May 13, 2005. Jennifer Lopez is Charlotte, a woman who has trouble finding the right guy. That is until she meets Kevin (Michael Vartan). Everything is wonderful for the couple, until he takes her home to meet his mom, Viola (Jane Fonda). Viola feels threatened by Charlotte because she thinks she’s taking her son away. The battle between the two begins. The end finds the two coming to an agreement and Charlotte marrying the man of her dreams. This movie was full of funny moments and is a light hearted fun look at the struggles of love and family.

The Wedding Planner

The Wedding Planner is my personal favorite Jennifer Lopez movie to date. It was released on January 26, 2001. J-Lo plays Mary Fiore, a very successful wedding planner. She unexpectedly falls in love with Steve (Matthew McConaughey), only to find out that he is the groom in her next big wedding to plan. How will she stay professional and keep her feelings away? Well, in the end, true love wins and the girl gets the guy. I enjoyed the romance and the humor in this movie and look forward to seeing it again.

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Possibly my next favorite J-Lo Movie

Jennifer Lopez has a new movie coming out in April 2010. I am looking forward to its release. It is titled The Back-up Plan. In it J-Lo is a woman named Zoe who decides she wants to have a baby, with or without the right guy, so she is artificially inseminated. By a stroke of fate, she meets the right guy on the same day. Can their love last when he finds out she is pregnant already? I can’t wait to find out!


The Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000182/