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Top 5 DIY Tips to Improve Cervix Mucous

Cervix, Diy Tips, Mucous, Natural Fertility, Ttc

Preparing for conception is extremely important in the TTC(Trying to Conceive) process. Just as important is having quality cervix mucous. Here are 5 DIY tips to having quality cervix mucous. Not only are these easy to do, but you will love the results.

Drink Water

Drinking water can hydrate your body which will in turn increase your cervix mucous. If you are a water-hater, try adding flavors to your water. However you do it, just drink more water. Try alternating your water from ice water, to tepid water. Not only will you feel like you are changing it up, but you might find different ways you enjoy drinking water. Try to at least drink 64 ounces of water, or 8 glasses a day.

Use Essential Oils

Although there are many different essential oils to use, my favorite is Woman’s Help Body Oil . When I first found essential oils, I had no idea what they could do for me. I bought the Woman’s Help Body Oil in a fluke. What I discovered was amazing. Use the Woman’s Help Body Oil, along with an olive oil or your favorite carrier oil. I prefer something that smells good because the Body Oil is very strong. Fair Warning: ladies, its scent is strong but it works. The essential oils help the cervix mucous as well as alleviate menstrual problems, cramps, etc… You can also go to your favorite essential oil website and type in cervix mucous to find other great essential oils. The key is to find a scent you can enjoy, along with the results. I found the results are worth a stronger scent. We are all different, so find what works for you.

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Herbal Supplements

Getting your hormones balanced can help your cervix mucous. All the major infertility websites now offer supplements focused on cervix mucous. Find one that meets your price needs. Natural Fertility Info is a great website to start searching for infertility supplements.


Sometimes you need a little help in the cervix mucous area. It’s ok to admit and need assistance. What you don’t want to do is TTC without the proper equipment so to speak. If you are ovulating successfully, don’t try to conceive without giving yourself all the advantages you need. Simply put, if you don’t have enough cervix mucous, get a little help. Pre-Seed will give you exactly what you need while you try DIY methods.


Aren’t the best kept secrets kept right under our noses? Did you know that the Robitussin is an expectorant and thins out the cervix mucous? Not only that, but can help in the slippery department. Ahem, I know, this is too much info. But, the facts are that Robitussin is a handy little tool to begin using around 5 days before you ovulate. As soon as you realize you are about to be fertile, start taking around 2 tsp. orally two or three times a day.
