For teens, summer is the perfect time to make some extra cash. Of course, there are the typical summer jobs like lifeguarding and waitressing, which require large time commitments and low-pay. Then, there are the excellent summer jobs that offer plenty of earning potential while maintaining your free and flexible schedule.


According to, babysitters earn between $7 and $10 per hour, with an increasing wage for additional children being minded. Many families are looking for summer child care for their kids, making babysitting jobs plentiful. Look for jobs that fit your preferred schedule and advertise yourself on free sites or bulletin boards.

Lawn Care

Summer is the season for lawn care and yard work. If you are willing to do some physical labor, the payment will be well worth your time. Simply mowing a lawn can earn you an easy $20. Either borrow a mower or use your customer’s if they own one. Other types of lawn care include weeding, planting, watering, hauling, trimming and seeding.


Housesitting jobs are likely the least time consuming of all summer jobs. Watering plants, feeding fish, taking in the mail and moving trash bins to and from the curb make up the majority of the work involved. The work is simple, but being trustworthy is how you will earn your money.

Paper Route

If you have a dependable bike or car and can wake up early in the morning, a paper route is your ticket to extra summer cash. Although the wage is variable depending on your location, paper routes are straight forward and guarantee a small income without a lot of time investment. This is the ideal summer job if you enjoy exercising early in the morning! For more information on paper routes see

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Running errands is more of a creative summer job that depends on your ability to secure clients. Typically, elderly folk are in the most need of an assistant willing to run errands. Ask around at a local senior center and post flyers on library bulletin boards to get customers. Running errands is a broad topic'”typically dry cleaning drop-off and pick-up, mailing packages, grocery shopping, returning library books and pharmacy pick-ups top the list.

Dog walking

Dog walking is another summer job that requires you to build clientele. Seeking out customers who are interested in paying you for walking their dog can be as easy as posting a flyer in a local dog park or vet’s office. verifies that dog walkers earn between $9 and $15 per hour. You could certainly increase your earnings by walking more than one dog at a time. Keep in mind that you will have to clean up after the dogs.

Pet sitting

If you are good with animals, pet sitting is a great way to make summer money. Pet sitting can mean dropping in at the owner’s house while they are away or watching the pet at your house. Be sure to specify if you prefer to not watch certain pets, like snakes or ferrets. Depending on the pet, you will likely have to feed, water, walk, clean-up after and play with the animal.

Online Writing

Online writing is a fantastic way to earn summer money as a teen. Many sites, such as yahoo contributor, offer money for the articles you write. Choose topics that interest you: video games, technology, sports, fashion or anything. Block off a certain amount of time each day to sit down and write. The amount of money you make from online writing is completely dependent on the number of articles you write.

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Game Tournament

Hosting a tournament is both a fun way to spend the summer and an excellent way to make easy money. Choose a topic for your tournament, advertise it, charge a small cover fee, offer a grand prize and have fun! Tournaments can be anything from chess to volleyball. Make sure your entrance fee and expected number of participants offsets the cost of the prize and perhaps the venue in order to make a profit.

Fashion exchange

Host a fashion exchange for extra summer cash. Choose a location large enough for your expected crowd and then advertise. How a fashion exchange works is by each person contributing a set number of items and then taking that same number of new items home. For example, if you bring 10 items, then you get to choose 10 items from other people to take home. View all participants’ items ahead of time to ensure high quality at your exchange. How you make money is by charging a small fee for each person to participate in the fashion exchange.

Making summer money as a teen is simple as long as you have a creative mind. Forget those typical teen summer jobs that require long hours and pay very little. Have fun this summer with these summer job tips!