Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Top 10 Summer Diet Tips

With summer rapidly approaching here are some tips to help your diet during the season when frozen treats are the norm. As the weather gets warmer here are some tips for your summer diet. Just because the weather is warmer and schedules are changing does not mean you have to give up on your diet.


With warmer weather you body will sweat more. Be sure to keep water on hand and drink plenty of it. Try to avoid caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic drinks. Not only will it help you consume fewer calories, but drinks tend to contain chemicals that add to your water loss.

Seasonal Produce

As melons, lettuce, tomatoes, and other summer fruits and vegetables come into season be sure to eat the recommended 6 to 9 servings a day. Most summer produce is high in water content and fiber helping you eat less of other, heavier foods and will help keep you hydrated.

Adjust Workout Schedules

Try to workout early in the morning or later in the evening when it is not as hot out. That way your body can burn energy on the workout without overheating or dehydrating.

Cut High Fat and High Calorie Foods

Avoid greasy and fried foods as well as things like hot dogs and margaritas. These types of foods have a heated thermal effect on your body and make you feel lethargic. By cutting these out of your diet you will have more energy and consume fewer calories making it easier to burn more calories than you consume, boosting your summer diet.

Use Breath Mints and Gum

The taste of mint help naturally curb your apatite. Before heading to that bbq or party pop a mint and help stop your continually grazing. Since you will not feel as hungry and your mouth feels fresh and clean you will be less likely to eat when you are not actually hungry.

Frozen Yogurt

Lets face it, during the hot summer months the urge to eat frozen treats is a constant. Instead of grabbing an ice cream bar go for frozen yogurt instead. It is low in fat and adds additional calcium to your diet.

Exercise Routine

Summer is the high time for vacation and travel which can really throw off ones workout schedule. Workout as regularly as you can, and try to be more physically active while vacationing when you are not doing your regular exercise regiment. Try taking a frisbee or football on your travels and enjoy the activity with your friends and family.

Fitted Clothing

During the summer we tend to war loose, less tight clothing to help keep cool. However, be wearing snug pants or a belt will help you remember not to over eat because doing so makes you physically uncomfortable. We’re not talking about wearing something so tight it looks bad or is regularly uncomfortable, but just so that it fits sung but still comfortably.

Eat Slower

Many people eat to fast which leads to over eating. After ever 3 or 4 bites stop, set your fork down, take a drink of water, and pause for a second. This will give your body a chance to tell you as you are getting full and you can stop before you over eat.

Do Not Buy Policy

Create a policy for yourself not to buy foods for your house that will tempt you to break your diet. If there is no ice cream in your freezer you will not be tempted to have it for a midnight snack. Things like sodas, candy, ice cream, and potatoes chips are fine in moderation, but if you tend to over indulge in them try just not buying them for a month. Instead keep health snacks and fruits to help curb your cravings on hand. At then end of the month you will find that your cravings for these types of foods had dropped.


Healthy Summer Diet Tips,

Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, Tips on Diet Foods for Summer, WebMD

Heather Bauer, R.D.,Lazy Summer Diet Tips, CBS8

Karla News

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