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Toning Your Lower Stomach

Tone Lower Stomach

What is the Lower stomach?
The lower stomach is the area beneath the navel.
This area of the stomach is very hard to tone up. The way to tone the lower stomach up is to first lose weight in that area of the stomach other wise you will only be building muscle under the fat, and this can cause your stomach to look even bigger than before. So lose the weigh first, then you can began to do lower abdominal exercises to tighten and tone your lower stomach.

Exercises to tone lower stomach

Leg Raises
Laying on your back and keep your hands and head on your mat or on the floor, with your legs stretched out straight in front of you.
Lift your legs off of the floor keeping them straight.
Raise them at about a 45 degree angle off the floor.
Slowly move both legs down keeping them together and as straight as you can until they are about a foot from the floor.
Now raise them back up and begin again.
Repeat for about 5 mins.

Revere Curl

Lay on the floor an put your arms behind your head.
Bend your legs at your knees so that your feet are firmly on the floor.
Pull your knees up toward your stomach.
Then slowly lower them back down, resting your feet on the floor.
Repeat process.

Side Crunch

This lower abdominal exercise you can do by laying down on your back, then bending your knees and twisting your waist. Position your legs so that they lie one on top of the other to one side of your body. Make sure that your shoulder blades lie flat and evenly on the floor. Also make sure your breathing is right, you should be breathing out when you lift your body up to the side.

See also  4 Best Exercises for Ripped Abs and a Lean Stomach

Lying Scissor

Start by laying down on your back. Then make sure your palms are against the floor under your lower back.
stretch out your legs and raise, and alternate your legs as your raising them making sure you exhale as you are do the exercise. Make sure your knees have a slight bend, and you should at this point be inhaling.

Chair Leg Lifts

Chair lifts can be performed anywhere there’s a chair. You need to sit upright with your back flat against the back of the chair. To start place your hands on the desk in front of you or on the seat of the chair by your legs. Slowly lift your knees up toward your chest and hold them for 30 second, then lower them back down, and you should exhale when your legs are lift, and inhale when legs are lowered to the floor.

All of these exercises for your lower stomach will not be easy for you, but with time, and the strengthening of your stomach muscles it will get easier.
