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Toenail Fungus Treatment Regimen: Home Remedies that Cure Toenail Fungus

Fungal Infections, Fungus, Onychomycosis, Public Pools, Toenail Fungus

It may have made a funny plot theme in 1960s horror movies but to the millions of men and women suffering from toenail fungal infections, fungus is not a laughing matter. Fortunately, there are a few effective home remedies that’ll allow you to proudly proclaim “the fungus is no longer among us.” Before you attack that fungus with a barrage of home remedies, it may be a good idea to learn a little about what causes it.

After all, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure…

Causes of Toenail Fungal Infection

Onychomycosis – the medical term for a fungal infection of the fingernails or toenails – is caused by the presence of dermatophytes. Rather than focusing on the medical aspects of the infection, however, we’re going to dive right into the cause of these types of infections. The number one cause: sweaty feet. Fungus thrives in dark, damp areas, which is why men and women that end the day with socks drenched in sweat suffer the most with toenail fungal infections. If your feet tend to stay dry throughout the day, another culprit of toenail fungus infection is direct contact with someone who suffers from the condition.

Best Toenail Fungus Treatments

Listerine Mouthwash

Would you believe that something as simple as soaking your feet in Listerine for a few minutes each morning and evening could yield better results than prescription-grade anti-fungals? Listerine contains a number of powerful ingredients that can eliminate your toenail fungal infection and leave your toes feeling fresh and clean. Be forewarned, though, that this method isn’t ideal if you have open cuts on your feet.

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Warm Water and Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most powerful home remedies mother nature even produced so it should come as no surprise that a little apple cider vinegar and some warm water can serve as an excellent – and inexpensive – toenail fungus treatment. Soak your feet in a 50/50 mix of warm water and apple cider vinegar once a day for a few weeks and that fungal infection won’t know what hit it.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a powerful fungicide and happens to be one of the most effective toenail fungus treatment home remedies you can try. Apply undiluted to the toenail and enjoy the benefits.

In addition to the above toenail fungus treatments, be sure to practice good prevention once the fungal infection has been treated. Wear cotton socks, wash your feet thoroughly after visiting public pools, and change your socks frequently if your feet sweat a lot during the day.

Powerful All Natural Treatments

There are some good treatments you can find online. One of the popular ones is a solution called Zeta Clear.

Natural solutions like these can usually clear your toenail fungus between 2-4 months. It helps to also buy a new pair of socks when you begin your treatment. This will help speed up your treatment time.

Good luck, and whatever you do, start treatment as soon as you see the symptoms of toenail fungus.

The sooner you begin treating, the better.
