Articles for tag: Nail Fungus, Onychomycosis, Toe Nail, Toe Nail Fungus, Toenail Fungus

How Toenail Fungus Spreads and How to Treat It

Toe nail fungus (Onychomycosis) is a condition in which a fungus grows on your toes because your toes are moist for long periods. Once you have this chronic condition, it is very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, prevention is the best measure. Fungus needs a dark and damp environment to grow and thrive. You ...

Toenail Fungus – Causes and Cures

If you or a loved one suffers from toenail fungus, you will be glad to know that there is something you can do to get rid of it. This article will discuss what causes toenail fungus, some home remedies that have worked for others, and best of all, prevention of toenail fungus. What is toenail ...

It’s Sandal Weather: How to Rid Fungal Nail Infections

It doesn’t hurt or harm your health, but ladies: your toes may not look so pretty in your summer sandals. Toenail fungal infection, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition, mostly seen in older adults. The nail becomes thickened, with a yellow or black appearance. The nails become brittle and rough with ragged edges. ...

Karla News

Pedicures for More Than Pretty Feet

We all know that pedicures can make our toes look pretty for summer sandals, or just for our own pleasure, and they make our feet feel pampered. But did you know that regular pedicures, whether in a spa or salon, or done by yourself at home, can help keep your feet healthy? There are three ...

Karla News

Effective Types of Toe Fungus Treatment

Toe fungus settles down between the cracks and crevices of the toes. The most common type is Athlete’s Foot. The fungus makes the toes itch and if it is not treated properly it can lead to toenail fungus. If someone finds himself suffering from toe fungus, he wants to take care of it quickly. It ...

What Causes Crumbling Toenails?

Crumbling toenails are not a pretty sight, particularly if you’re fond of wearing open toed sandals. This symptom is common, accounting for up to half of all toenail complaints seen by a dermatologist. There are several conditions that can cause a toenail to crumble, but the most common one, by far, is a fungal infection ...

Karla News

Help for Dry Cracked Feet

Your feet, of course, carry you everywhere you go. They run after your kids when they need help, they dance the night away on that special night out, and they can take thousands of steps each day. After a while, the wear and tear begins to show in the form of dry, flaky, and sometimes, ...

Karla News

Herbal Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Unsightly toenail fungus can be a source of embarrassment and stress for those who unfortunately have to deal with them There are a number of pharmaceutical solutions for this problem however they aren’t without their side affects, some of which include things as harsh as liver damage. Fortunately, there are some very effective anti fungal ...