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Tips on Preventing Nail Fungus from the Nail Salon

Healthy Nails, Nail Fungus, Nail Salons

Many women love to get their nails done at the nail salon. Unfortunately I have heard of many cases on television and in the newspaper of women who have gotten nail fungus from the nail salon. I have a friend who is an example of having such a bad experience. My friend always had beautiful looking nails. She never did her nails herself. Every few weeks she would go into a local nail salon and to get her nails done. About a few months ago she saw her natural nails starting to change color. She wasn’t sure what it was and didn’t do anything about it right away. After a week her nails and the tips of her fingers became more discolored. A sort of bluish yellowish color that caused her to panic. She went to the doctor who told her she has nail fungus. The doctor gave her some medication to help get rid of the nail fungus. She has been embarrassed for months to be seen out in public. She wears gloves to hide the deaden look of her fingers. She knew that mostly likely she got her nail fungus from the nail salon. There are things that women can do to reduce their risk of nail fungus.

Make sure the nail salon has sanitized their nail tools. You can ask them how they go about in sanitizing their nail tools. You can even have them show you sanitizing their nail tools. When a nail salon is not able to prove that they have sanitized their nail tools then just leave the location and find another salon. This is a precaution to take that is well worth the health of your nails.

See also  Home Remedies for Nail Fungus

Bring your own nail tools. It would be worth the extra cost to purchase your own nail tools. Find out from the nail salon what tools they use. Then go to a local beauty salon and purchase those tools. Each time you go bring those tools to the salon and let them know you want them to use those tools. Most nail salons won’t mind and what to make the customer feel happy.

Go to an upscale spa to get your nails done. Individually owned businesses may not be as concern with cleaning their tools. Usually the people who are doing your nails are also the ones who own the business. At an upscale spa the people who do your nails work for the company. If they don’t do their job right they can get fired.

Do your nails yourself. Purchase the nail tools and learn how to do them yourself. There are books you can purchase from the library or bookstore that gives you detailed instructions on different techniques you can use to do your nails. You would be assuring yourself of healthy nails and saving lots of money at the same time.

Next time you decide about going to the nail salon think about the possible consequences of getting nail fungus. The look of my friend’s nails and fingers has improved greatly but not completely. She continues to use the fungus medication.