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Tips on Dealing with Homesickness for College Students

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The journey away from home and off to college is just that, a journey. It’s an excursion, a trip, a life altering experience that will be positive, negative, and a mixture of both. Within that mixture will be many feelings, one of which might be homesickness or loneliness. According to the dictionary, homesickness is a longing for home while away from it. In the world of psychology this is known as “separation anxiety”. So, feeling homesick or lonely is an emotional and psychological state. For most of us, this feeling only lasts a couple of weeks; however, in extreme cases it lasts much longer. Taking steps to reduce the affects of homesickness can improve your college experience. Here are 33 tips to cope with and reduce homesickness.

1. Acknowledge that you are homesick or lonely and know that it’s natural

2. Read a book of spiritual value

3. Purchase a phone card for the month, use it wisely, allot yourself a # of minutes a week, or use it only for emergency homesickness moments

4. Talk about your feelings with someone, maybe even a Resident Assistant or Advisor

5.Bring pictures or home videos of family and friends

6.Bring other familiar items that might provide a sense of continuity to a new environment.

7. If you feel like crying, do so, releasing your feelings is natural and healthy

8. Email your family/friends often and tell them to do the same

9. Establish a family/friends online chat room

10. Create a website dedicated to things you enjoy that you can view when you want

11. Write a poem or essay describing your feelings, then submit it for publication; as a result you may help someone else who’s experiencing the same thing

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12. Decorate your room

13. Don’t mask your feelings with food, TV, or denial

14. Take action, explore and familiarize yourself with your surroundings by walking around campus

15. Invite others to explore your new world; you might make a good friend in the process

16. Exercise, visit a recreation center

17. Catch a movie at the student union building or recreation center

18. While your there check out upcoming activities

19. Volunteer for a worthy cause

20. Take interesting classes, study new subjects

21. Join or start an organization or support group

22. Seek out other members of your religion on campus

23. Visit someone who is sick or ill

24. Ask your family to send you a care package full of your favorite things

25. If you like receiving mail ask family/friends to send lots of it

26. Plan a date to go home for a weekend

27. Meditate

28. Give yourself time to deal and adjust to a new life

29. Invite another student over to watch a movie or to just talk

30. Take a nap, get proper rest

31. Read a favorite magazine or book

32. Realize that no burden placed on us is greater than we have the strength to bear

33. Close your eyes, breath deeply, be thankful that you are fortunate to have family and friends to love and miss