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Thor Costume Guide

Jack Kirby

Thor is the most classic of The Avengers, a Marvel heroes supergroup. He is tall and strong due to his Asgardian origin, making a Thor costume an engaging and challenging outfit to create.

Mighty Thor first appeared in his own comic series,”Thor: Tales of Asgard,” a classic tale written by original Marvel masterminds Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.


You can skip the muscles on some superhero costumes, but not this one. Thor has a massive amount of strength and his physique is an integral part of his mythologically intense character. Unless you’ve spent enough time in the gym, you’ll need a muscle shirt.

To make this, you’ll need a tight undershirt, a nude-colored fitted shirt and some sandwich bags. (You’ll want to wear the tight undershirt to avoid skin irritation from the plastic bags.) Stuff the plastic sandwich bags with paper towels or pillow stuffing. When you wear the costume, place the sandwich bags over your biceps to depict the Thor musculature.


Thor wears dark armor with six large blue spots. You can sew this yourself using a vest pattern by McCall’s. Use pattern A, but add an extra inch, sew the front seam, and omit the decorative fasteners. Cut circles out of blue felt for the circles on the armor: two 6-inch circles, two five-inch circles, and two four-inch circles. Use fabric glue to place them symmetrically; the larger circles should go on the chest, the medium ones above where the belt rests, and the smallest below the belt.


Thor’s belt is made of yellow gold. The buckle shows a “T” and is flanked by wings. To make this belt, acquire a used gold-tone belt from a second-hand store. Cut a “T,” oval and wings designed carefully out of design sheet copper, and plate with faux gold foil. Affix the “T” to the oval and the wings to the edges. Glue to the belt’s buckle.

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Make your superhero cape. Thor’s cape is all red. You can opt to attach it by sewing it to the vest, or you can use Velcro to attach it. Use these instructions to make the cape, but skip the side panels since Thor’s cape is a solid red.

Wrist Bracers

Thor sports a pair of red and black wrist bracers. Measure the fabric to fit around your wrist. Cut two strips of red three inches wide. Cut two black strips in matching lengths 1 1/2 inches wide. Use fabric glue to attach the black strips to the red. Affix in center for an authentic look. Add Velcro to the edges of the bracers for easy removal.


You can purchase a generic winged helmet to match the Thor costume, or you could make one out of silver (or tin foil-covered) poster board.

Mjolnir Hammer

Thor carries his legendary and massive Mjolnir, a hammer with which he delivers justice. Because a real hammer could be unsafe and difficult to carry around with ease, try using a prop hammer. You can buy an inexpensive one at a Halloween costume, hobby or toy store, or you could consider making a combat-ready boffer weapon. Boffer weapons are padded representational items used in combat. You can learn more about boffer weapon construction here.


Scope out the second-hand stores for some plain blue, tight-fitting pants. The vest will hang down to the thigh for modesty. Make sure the pants match the dots on the vest for an authentic look.

Overall, wear your Thor costume proudly! Retain good posture and look tough to add to the presentation of the costume.

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