What is the cause of thinning hair? Women and men see their hair thinning and the psychological effects can be devastating. There are many reasons why hair gets thinner and the problems of thinning hair affects more than 4.5 million American women not including the millions of men that deal with this problem.

You hair is made up of layers:

The Cuticle

The Cortex

The Follicle

Here are some of the causes of thinning hair: Men and Women

Aging – Most people will face the problem of thinning hair as the years pass.

Hair Care Products – Too many hair care products piled on your hair can eventually cause harm to your hair. Using your curling iron and other heat styling products can cause your hair to break off and fall out resulting in the appearance of thinning hair. Cut back on some of the hair care products and use a shampoo for thinning hair for a while.

Heredity – This can lead to a cycle where your hair follicles will shrink over time causing shorter and shorter hair growing cycles until — coupled with natural hair loss — there is hardly any hair left.

Hormones – Your hormones can affect you in much the same way as heredity. Your hormones can cause shrinking hair follicles, too rapid hair loss and shorter hair growing cycles.

Medical Conditions and Some Medications – Birth control, some anti-depressants, stress and childbirth can cause your hair to temporarily fall out or to become thinner.

Poor Diet – What you eat can affect the way your hair look. A balanced diet will give you shiny healthy looking hair.

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Too Tight Hair Styles – constantly wearing hairstyles that tug and pull your hair will eventually cause your hair to become thinner at the points of stress. Do not wear too tight ponytails or tightly braided hair on a regular basis.

Some solutions to your thinning hair:

If you think your thinning hair is caused by an illness or your medications, consult your doctor for some advice.

Be aware of your hair styles, make sure your hair is not pulled too tightly

Use products that are made for thin hair or products that will add volume to your hair. Maybe there is no cure for thinning hair in women or men but you can help to stop breakage and hair loss by taking good care of your hair.

Keep your hair clean and moisturized. Dirty dry hair will break off, it has no other choice.

Eat a well balanced diet with sufficient good oils included to give your hair much needed nutrients.

100% shea butter used as a hair care treatment will give your hair new strength and the shiniest shine. Shea butter can be used as a natural hair loss treatment and as a hair regrowth treatment.

Taking care of your tresses will help to slow the loss, but if baldness is meant to be, a transplant may be the best option.