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The World’s Grossest Foods

Dogs as Pets, Durian

I was watching a show on the Travel Channel the other day about bizarre food from around the world. It got me to thinking about all the food that I think is gross. I am a food lover and am not picky, but there are some foods that I think are pretty funky. Some foods I can’t even get myself to taste. The following list is in no particular order, but I’m sure you’ll find plenty to gross you out.


A balut is a fertilized duck egg with an almost developed embryo inside that is boiled and eaten in the shell. Sound tasty? I didn’t think so. Baluts are considered a delicacy in many parts of Asia. The Philippines is perhaps best known for baluts. There you can find a balut stand on every street corner. Baluts are widely believed to be aphrodisiacs, which I’m sure doesn’t hurt their popularity.

They are usually eating with a sprinkle of salt and sometimes vinegar. When you crack open a balut egg, the first thing you do is sip out the broth that surrounds the embryo. Then you peel the shell and eat the yolk and then the chick. It looks pretty gross seeing a half developed duck in the shell, complete with beak and feathers. Yes, you are supposed to eat the beak and feathers.


Durian is a spiky fruit native to Southeast Asia. For the most part Durian is only available in that region, so it is not something that I have tried. I have heard about it, however, and can safely assume that I wouldn’t like it. The name Durian is actually Malay for “thorny fruit.” The outside is very tough and thorny, while the edible inside is of a custard-like consistency. Durians have a very strong and overpowering odor. Some, probably the people who think it tastes good, think it smells good. Everyone else finds its odor offensive.

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In Southeast Asia Durians are very popular and considered quite the delicacy. It must be an acquired taste because everyone not from that region who has tried it thinks it is one of the foulest things they have ever tasted. Somehow I don’t think it’s something I’ll ever be trying. I’m sure the stench would keep me from getting close enough to taste it.

Bugs and Insects

I realize many people around the world love to munch down on bugs, but I think it’s gross. Most bugs and insects creep me out anyway, so I’m surely not going to put them in my mouth. I read once that people eat at least one spider per year, on average, just from them climbing into your mouth when you sleep. Sounds freaky, I know. I think one spider per year is my quota on bug consumption.


Ah, innards. In many parts of the world people eat every edible part of an animal. Food can be scarce and people don’t want to waste anything. I understand, and more power to them. But I have never found organs, such as livers and gizzards, to be appetizing. Many people around the world eat things like intestines, stomachs, and eyeballs. Anyone out there eat tongues? A lot of people eat beef tongue sandwiches. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to eat anything that can taste me back.

Cats and Dogs

Ok, so I said that this list was in no particular order, but this one has to be number one. Yes, in some parts of the world people eat cats and dogs. I remember watching an HBO documentary once about cats being eaten in China. As you walk by many restaurants, they will display their cats in cages. You can just go ahead and pick the one you’d like for dinner! I think we’d all agree that’s pretty gross.

See also  The Taste of Royalty: Eating Durian in Hoi An

I also saw a documentary awhile back that showed a tribe in Africa that keeps dogs as pets. There’s nothing odd about that, right? The problem is, after awhile they kill and eat their unsuspecting pooches.

As I said before, I love food, and there aren’t many things that could cause me to lose my appetite. I don’t know about you, but I think this article did it for me. Bon appetite everyone!