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“The Vampire Diaries” – Rose

The Salvatore brothers are at it again. This time they are on a mission to save Elena. A couple vampires took her because she is Katherine’s look alike. Elena can be used to break the moonstone’s curse. Hang in there Elena because help is on the way. Follow this week’s synopsis season 2, episode 8 of the CW’s “The Vampire Diaries” shown on Thursday’s at 8 p.m. ET here:

Bonnie – “See My Power”

Bonnie helps out when Elena is found to be missing. She uses her witch powers to help scribe for Elena and find her location. She gives that information to Stefan and Damon. Then she and Jeremy send a magical note to Elena letting her know that help is on the way. Bonnie and Jeremy get closer.

Stefan and Damon – “Heroes are Coming”

Stefan and Damon go nuts when they find out that Elena is missing. They put their differences aside and go after her. They find Elena in an old abandoned house. They battle Elijah, and they save Elena. Elijah is one of the original vampires. Even though they think they killed Elijah, they did not. At the end of the episode Damon tells Elena he loves her, and then with tears in his eyes he erases her memory of his confession for the sake of his brother.

Caroline – “Just Being a Friend”

Before Damon leaves on his quest to save Elena, he and Caroline have a discussion. Damon tells Caroline to leave Tyler alone and not to tell him there are vampires. Caroline tries to back away from Tyler, but Tyler will not leave her alone. Tyler suspects that Caroline is a werewolf like himself. Caroline sets him straight after he surprises her by breaking into her house to confront her. Caroline feels bad for him and helps him to accept his new transformation of turning into a werewolf.

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Elena – “Get Me Out of Here”

Elena is not happy about being taken captive by Trevor and Rose. They are two vampires that want to use her. They want to trade her to one of the original vampires named, Elijah, for their freedom after getting in trouble with the head vampires for letting Katherine stay alive. Elena tries to talk her way to freedom but she fails. Elena is told that she has to be the human sacrifice to break the moonstone’s curse because she is Katherine’s look alike.

Rose and Trevor – “Freedom Here We Come”

All Rose and Trevor, the two vampires that took Elena, want is to gain their freedom after many years of hiding from the original vampires. They truly think that Elena is their ticket to their freedom. When Rose offers up the deal to Elijah of trading Elena for their freedom, Elijah promises Rose her freedom. However, Elijah then turns around and kills Trevor. After the battle Rose goes to the Salvatore house to warn the brothers that the original vampires will be coming after Elena. Rose offers to help in the new battle that will be coming up.
