Karla News

The Truth About Banned Stealth Hypnosis Techniques

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Many of us have been getting spammed with information about Underground Hypnosis, and Banned Stealth Hypnosis Techniques. It tries to sell you on the amazing possibilities you’ll be able to produce in your life if you spend the money to learn these techniques. I’ve gotten about a dozen of these emails myself in the past week.

People that I work with are truly scared that someone is going to hypnotize them without their consent. They are asking me if this is possible and if it is, if they can protect themselves from it.

This began my research into these “tactics that were developed in the underworld”. I clicked through to the site, undergroundhypnosis.com, just to see for myself what outlandish claims this Spam email is actually pertaining to. After reading the landing page, and not wanting to offer my private information I moved on to google to see what I could find there.

Google as always gave me plenty of information. There are actually several sites with different URL’s that claim to be the “only” source of knowledge for these “Black Ops Secrets”. It’s believed that these are all affiliate sites of the undergroundhypnosis site.

What I’ve found is that the sites aren’t actually a scam, but they are very misleading in the fact that it has nothing to do with actual, clinical hypnosis. There is no basis to the claim that the information being solicited is truly exclusive to just one person.

It’s also not true that Richard Bandler, John Grinder, or Gregory Bateson, the developers of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), have anything to do with the “underworld” that is being given credit for these “Black Op Techniques”, which they are advertising this as.

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The Banned Stealth Hypnosis technique is actually a combination of NLP, Hypnosis, Social Engineering, and Seduction. Various people who claim to be the only ones that have the secret claim that this combination equals VERY powerful persuasion techniques.

My conclusion is if you are intent on learning how to be powerfully persuasive, then invest your money in a worthy pursuit such as what is taught by Brian Tracy, or Dale Carnegie. If you want to learn how to hypnotize people, find a certified Instructor through the National Guild of Hypnotists.

There is absolutely no need to worry that someone is going to overcome your mind and make you do things that you don’t want to do. There are manipulative, controlling people out there, and there are naïve people that can be duped by them. However, there has to be a mutual acceptance of this control in order for that to happen.

Many people can’t be hypnotized even when they want to be, say to quit smoking or as a stress reduction technique. The chances of being hypnotized against your will are between slim to none.

If you still feel the need to stay protective against unscrupulous individuals that might try to make you do things against your will using Hypnosis, then simply pay attention to your gut feelings when you are dealing with other people. You will be able to figure it out pretty easily if someone is trying to control you in any way. You can then confront them and let them know what they can do with their “Black Ops Techniques”.

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