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The Top 5 Fastest Growing Job Fields in the World

According to the U.S. Department of Labor there are many job fields that are said to have a major increase in employment just in the next year or so. As the population of the world continues to grow so does the need of workers in some of the worlds fastest growing job fields. What will be done about the overwhelming growth of industrial work sites? There is only one answer for that question; hire more people. Easier said then done, right? Below I have a list of some of the job fields that are going through this stage of rapid growth.

I will now begin at the top of the list. Number one on the list should come as no surprise. We are living in a world where everything is done by computers. You can pretty much do everything that you would normally do in a typical day right from a computer. With that said, computer and data processing is said to be the world’s fastest growing job field at the time. A few jobs in this field might consist of computer engineers, computer programmers, software development, or basically any type of job dealing with computer use.

The second fastest growing job field is known as Health Care. Like I said above, the world’s population is increasing so that means more people and more injuries or sicknesses. A job in Health Care may consist of doctors, nurses, physicians and assistants. A typical day as a doctor or a nurse could be taking information from a patient or completing check ups. Almost all jobs in this particular field require further education past high school.

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The third most fastest growing job field in the world is Legal Assistants. Most people hear the word legal and they think cops or the law. Well if you are one of those people, you are close but not exactly right. Legal assistants are jobs such as lawyers and anyone that helps deal with a case from a certain person that is based upon the law. Today the jails are said to be over flowing with people and for every person in jail there is a lawyer there to protect or help them. So you see why this job field is very important and rapidly growing.

The fourth fastest growing job field is Temporary Personnel services. When I say temporary personnel I mean people with all kinds of skill and are willing to work on a short term base job. It is not a long term job just something that is considered more like project work. Once you’re done with your project, you’re done with the job and you will be released.

The last fastest growing job field that I would like to share with you is Social services. Social service workers are people that work to help you. We have a welfare system and everyone that works in the particular building is known as a social worker. Also your counselors of any type are considered as social workers.

If you hate your job and you are planning on going back to college but don’t know what to go for, here are a couple of options that might give you a career that will always have success and good pay. All you have to do is figure out your best skills and go for a job that requires that particular skill. The job fields listed above are the jobs that are expecting to have the highest employment increase in the year 2008. If you have any skills that pertain to the jobs above and are interested you shouldn’t waist time, go get the job.