Articles for tag: Computer Care, Computer Programmers, Construction Worker

Computer Programmers: Working and Playing

Work and Play Balance of Computer Programmers One should consider the balance of work and play when looking to choose a career. Picking a career based only on the income potential can lead to less play time. It would be better to pick a career one would enjoy. When one enjoys their career, the tendency ...

Karla News

Outsourcing Jobs is Hurting America’s Economy

One of the many debatable and controversial issues is outsourcing of jobs. Outsourcing jobs is when companies send some of their jobs overseas to different countries. Outsourcing is the procuring services or products, such as the parts used in manufacturing a motor vehicle, from an outside supplier or manufacturer to cut costs. Outsourcing has been ...

Karla News

Best Gifts for the Computer Geek

Computers are everywhere and more than 70% of people in the United States are glued to their computer 75% to 90% of their day. If you have a friend or a family member who is a genuine computer genius, then here are some gifts that will get the gears turning in their head, confuse the ...

Karla News

What Employers Look for When Hiring Computer Programmers

One of the most common assumptions job seeking IT professionals make is that employers only care about their technical acumen and programming skills. While employers certainly want to hire capable people, they prefer to hire capable people who possess certain personality traits, sometimes referred to as “soft skills,” such as the ability to work effectively ...