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The Top 10 Movie Quotes for Teachers

Nanny Mcphee, Yoda

I am a teacher, and I absolutely love my job. Don’t get me wrong, teaching isn’t always the easiest gig. There are some very rough days. One of the things I rely on to get me through the tough times is my sense of humor. When things get tough, I just have to laugh. Quoting moviesis one of those things that gets me giggling every time.

Now, my humor isn’t magical. When I make a joke, it doesn’t bring my students and I together in a rousing, educational group hug to start singing “Kum Ba Yah”. No, not at all. Instead, It goes more like this: when things get tough or I am faced with a challenge, I think I make a joke, my students stare at me, I laugh at myself, then I forget what was wrong. Humor is my greatest self-distraction.

One of my comedy stand-bys is the use of well-timed and ironically placed movie quotes. There is no limit to the number of comments, questions, or marginally witted comments that students can come up with, and almost every one can be met with a movie quote.

If you are like me, and need something to laugh at, then check out my top 10 movie quotes and the educational situations that they can help you through.

1. Movie Quote: “Yes you’re very smart. Shut up.”
From: The Princess Bride
When to use it:
There are times when when you mess-up. Until someone creates a white-board or chalk-board with spell check, I will spell words like neccessary necesary, neccesary, necessary incorrectly. When a student takes time out of his/her morning to inform me that I have made a mistake, I am grateful that the student is paying attentions, yet I am a little perturbed. This is when you use this movie quote and say “Yes you’re very smart. Shut up”. This quote is best when followed with a “Just Kidding.”

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2. Movie Quote: “No. Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.”
From: The Empire Strikes Back
When to use it:
Students are a lot like Luke Skywalker. The future is in their hands, yet until they find out who their fathers are believe in themselves they will never achieve their potential. Yoda knew this too. That is why he told Luke, in a really profound, yet grammatically incorrect way to keep trying. When you ask a student to do something and they say they will try, go Yoda on them with his best movie quote ever.

3. Movie Quote “The force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet.”
From: The Empire Strikes Back
When to use it:
After you encourage students with your Yodaness (if Yoda can dangle his modifiers, I can say Yodaness), some of them will impress you and get the job done. You can’t let them get too cocky however. It is best to keep them in check with a well placed Vader-ism. Your student may be good, but he/she is not that good.

4. Movie Quote “I have five lessons to teach. What lessons they learn is entirely up to them.”
From: Nanny McPhee
When to use it:
The great thing about this movie quote is that there is a real good chance that the students will never have heard it. In fact, if you recognize this quote, you and I might be the only ones who saw this movie. The movie quote is appropriate for parent teacher conferences and principal observations. On the surface level it sounds profound, but when you look closer, it still sounds pretty profound.

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5. Movie Quote: “Show me the money”
From: Jerry Maguire
When to use it:
Every now and then, students might turn in homework. Seriously, I have heard of it happening. When it does, shout this movie quote at the top of your lungs and do a happy dance.

6. Movie Quote: “Just a flesh wound”
From: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
When to use it:
I get asked for a band-aid every day. Sometimes, the paper cut a student has actually is bleeding a bit, but not usually. As I go to my first-aid kit, I always say this quote in my best British accent possible. Often, by the time I am done laughing at myself, the student realizes that listening to my joke is more painful then the paper cut and they have already gotten back to work.

7. Movie Quote: “Say hello to my little friend.”
From: Scarface
When to use it:
How many times do students ask to see their grade? Yes they can check them online. Yes, they could keep track of it by doing their own average. When I get asked for a grade, I dramatically whip out my grade book and say this quote in my most menacing tone possible. Then I point the grade book around the room and say “pew, pew, pew.” My students never get it.

8. Movie Quote: “Here’s an idea: When you tell these little stories, have a point! It makes it SO much easier for the listener!”
From: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
When to use it:
Students have a story for every situation. If they put as much effort into their work as they do coming up with reasons why they couldn’t do their work, they would have done their work (that sounds a bit Yoda-ish don’t you think). This quote is best used in a very calm, cool voice. It should sound deadly serious. This movie quote is also best followed with a “Just Kidding.”

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9. Movie Quote: “But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking… don’t they?”
From: The Wizard of Oz
When to use it:
See number . Again, follow with a “Just Kidding”

10. Movie Quote: “Never give up! Never surrender!”
From: Galaxy Quest
When to use it:
This quote has two primary purposes.
1) Use this movie quote anytime you forget how wonderful a student is.
2) Use this movie quote anytime that a student does not feel as wonderful as they really are. Unfortunately, that might be too often.

If you are a teacher, thanks for your hard work. If aren’t a teacher, and you still were able to read this, then thank one of your teachers.