Karla News

The Third Party Presidential Candidates Opinions on Abortion

If you are looking for a Third Party Candidate with a policy on abortion, you will not have much of a choice. There are four Third Party Candidates who have their position on abortion on their web sites. All of them advocate the Federal Government not being involved in any abortion issue, with thought ranging from it is the responsibility of the States to it should be a purely personal decision. Abortion is and always will be a highly volatile issue, one that each voter needs to come to terms with in their own mind and then decide whether or not Government legislation will be the way that is the best.

The Presidential Candidates of the Constitution Party

Don J. Grundmann
Mr, Grundmann has this statement regarding abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.
Abortion – 100% Pro-life. Abolish all federal funding support of any organizations which advocate and/or perform abortions. Sue abortion providers to provide counseling fund for victims of abortion.

The Presidential Candidates of the Green Party

Alan Augustson
Mr. Augustson takes a middle of the road policy regarding abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site, saying both sides are wrong.

Elaine Brown
Ms. Brown does not have a policy regarding abortion on her Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

Daniel Imperato
Mr. Imperato does not have a policy on abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

Kent Mesplay
Mr. Mesplay does not have a policy on abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

The Candidates of the Libertarian Party

See also  Command Economy

Dave Hollist
Mr. Hollist does not have a policy on abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

Daniel Imperato
Mr. Imperato does not have a policy on abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

Bob Jackson
Mr. Jackson does not have a policy on abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

Mike Jingozian
Mr. Jingozian does not have a policy on abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

Steve Kubby
Mr, Kubby does not have a policy on abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

Alden Link
Mr. Link has a section entitled Respecting Personal Choice on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site that reflects his opinion on abortion:”People are sovereign over their own bodies and they should have the right to do with them as they please so long as they do not directly interfere with the right of others to do the same. The government should not be involved in trying to legislate morality and should not act paternalistically to protect people from making the decisions they believe are in their own best interests.”

Robert W. Milnes
Mr. Milnes’ Third Party Candidates web site is still under construction and he does not have any of his policy is listed as of yet

George Phillies
Mr. Phillies does not have a position on abortion on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.

Wayne Allyn Root
Mr Root has his policy on abortion listed on his Third Party Presidential Candidates web site:”I believe abortion is a matter of personal choice and not intended for federal government intervention. Let’s get the federal government out of a woman’s right to choose what to do with their own body- this will prevent the death of innocent women at the hands of butchers in back-alleys.”

See also  An Explanation of Vice Presidential Succession

Christine Smith
Ms. Smith does not have her policy on abortion on her Third Party Presidential Candidates web site.